Rumors of w50...

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I also heard a rumour that tribalwars one and only rap artist is releasing a new diss track. I really hope i get a mention.


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And finally (sorry for spam but cant resist this).

This is Banskin lol. Lets hear his perspective. The posh boy tries to rap.


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Now this is a story all about how
World 50 got flipped turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right here
I'll tell you how Banskin became the prince snake of the year

Spoilt little rich kids born and raised
Telling lies is how they spent most of their days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' acting all cool
but really their tactics just make them a tool

They were a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started makin' trouble in wow's neighborhood
They got into one little fight and must have got scared
because they resorted to lies catching noobs unprepared

They begged and lied to them day after day
Anything to get villages sent their way
I still dont understand how they didnt get a ticket
but still, what they were doing just weren't quite cricket

Well Insomnia went mad and called them out
this is not how wow play is what they did shout
We felt the message was sent loud and clear
But having to play fair made banskin disapear

Banskin whistled for a cab and when it came near
The licensce plate said SNAKE and it had dice in the mirror
If anything they could say that this cab was rare
But they thought man forget it, take me to the snakes over there

They pulled up to NHS about 7 or 8
And they yelled to the cabbie yo homes smell ya later
Looked at their kingdom they were finally there
To sit on their throne as prince snake of the year


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I head a rumor that NHS (who controlled 3 K's) still had to recruit a snake to take down wow

Heard another one that said snake (Banskin) told council to take his sit because he was quitting and as soon as they had a sit lock they jumped.

I also heard that said snake called out insomnia for barb munching (nothing new there) while snakes stats shown approximately 60% of all their caps were barbs at time of jump.


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I heard a rumour insomnia recruited from rim tribes, the spies talked about in the screenshot were spies HE recruited


What goes around comes around

Also they recruited from CARTEL and used spies there!

We were told we were not allowed to noble player villages without council permission.
Insomnia planned ops and took 5 10k villas when we were assigned a 1k and a 500 pointer when we had more nobles and nukes
I love the fact they posted my rap and said i'm a posh boy but i'm actually ethnic and live in the ghetto
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Banskin spreading rumours in a forum where we we talk about rumours. Wowee.

Jackojacko offered up Cartel troop counts and we told him no. The only shred of info we ever got from Cartel is that they had a spy in our tribe (thewiggster99) and a cartel member in their inner cirfle warned us about it despite klickmaster wanting to use it.

Dont pretend to live in the ghetto, noone who lives in a rough part of the uk woild call it a ghetto you moron.

I thought the account was under new management and you didn't know it was happening lol you even tried to save face once you snaked.

Regarding the foremarke accusation of spies. They were in a dying tribe and we never asked them for anything. Choose to take me at my word or dont.

Tribalwars has died, especially when players create a family of premades, negotiate an end world alliancd in week 4 and STILL they gotta use dirty tactics to win.

My final word: to Red Star and the others in NHS leadership. Bankskin isnt worth a medal so dont let him in your final 20.


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Trinity your response is badly worded, badly thought out and shameful.

I was given exact numbers of cartel villages for the the ops from your account directly. Furthermore, the rim tribes were destroyed under your supervision. We asked them not the other way round, as proven by the above screenshot.

It was truly under new management for a while, and we prepared a better defence in the 3 hours before we knew we were leaving then WOW has ever had.

Tribalwars is not dead or dying, your tribe is.

my final words: Although we will win the world, WOW leadership since day 1 of this world was flawed, we offered to help but you chose insomnia, now insomnia is gone. We gave WOW our everything and it got spat back in our faces and now you have no lips to spit.

Think about your actions this world, as I am sure we all will.


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Lol your everything is a bunch of moaning and sending vindictive the number of trains we are sending. Your everything is worthless you low life ;)

You used to cry over discord telling me how much you feel threatened and how you cant bare Insomnia, you took part in no op but were more than happy to take the internals i offered you.

Go about your business. All i needed to hear was that you passed on the info. Thanks for admitting you spied. I hope you get blacklisted.

P.s my message wasnt poorly worded, you just dont know how to piece a sentence tkgether too high and too paranoid to read properly.

I guess TW isnt dead, cos youre loving it right now. Its dead for people who want to war. Its alive and kicking for people who get a bone trying to win a world through deceit.


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P.s my message wasnt poorly worded, you just dont know how to piece a sentence tkgether too high and too paranoid to read properly.

you appear to have made a mistype there i'm afraid. You invalidated your own attempts to make me look bad at sentences? Quite a unique way of doing things.

I will not get blacklisted because i have screenshot evidence of you doing horrible things to me and other tribe members, imagine you messaging a future tribe leader of mine and having to admit you banned us from nobbling players when we had 100 nobles because you didn't want too upset insomnia (A known snake).

Walk me through that conversation will you, so I can laugh about it.

Number 1

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Trinity your response is badly worded, badly thought out and shameful.

I was given exact numbers of cartel villages for the the ops from your account directly. Furthermore, the rim tribes were destroyed under your supervision. We asked them not the other way round, as proven by the above screenshot.

It was truly under new management for a while, and we prepared a better defence in the 3 hours before we knew we were leaving then WOW has ever had.

Tribalwars is not dead or dying, your tribe is.

my final words: Although we will win the world, WOW leadership since day 1 of this world was flawed, we offered to help but you chose insomnia, now insomnia is gone. We gave WOW our everything and it got spat back in our faces and now you have no lips to spit.

Think about your actions this world, as I am sure we all will.

Altrough you said here quite a lot. But all į see is butt hurt kid, who wanted more internals and other stuff to praise your ego, which is low. Its not the first Time i see a player snake around, and somehow they all say similar excuses like " i wasnt apreciated enough" "i gave it all, but got nothing" Neither did u give it all, neiver did u earn the respect you want, respect should be earned, if you don't get it, maybe you don't deserved it? . You are just like the other snakes, whos ego too big.

Number 1

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Your more of comedian than rapper. Try stand ups, maybe there people wont shhh you.
Anyway its funny to see you, who was also been burned by the snakes, doing the same thing.


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Lol im drunk is all.

You put time and effort into the most awkward cringeworthy tracks ive heard.

Show your screenshots of me being rude to you. I got a tonne showing you saying how you cant deal with being a victim.

I cant believe ive been sucked into this BS. Cba with your attempts to feel good about snaking people.

If anything, im one of the reasons you werent internalled and im kicking myself for arguing against those who did want to internal you.

No respect, youre defo posh and not from the ghetto, you acting like this in the real world would be incredible, especially if you lived in the ghetto.


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So after all that fighting in the forums and the usual he rubbish", "no he's rubbish" chatter and lies about council saying you cant noble players without permission lol. As if I had time to dictate the targets for ops. It still remains that banskin couldn't deny he was mailing noobs to trick them into taking vils. Regardless of accusations and cat fighting. This fact remains both true and shameful. For everything you claim insomnia is or isn't. I dont do that. You cried for respect. You did nothing to earn it but did everything for us to not trust you. How right were we.


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so if judas is not on ... and beaver is not on ... who the hell is posting these messages?


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View attachment 408
so if judas is not on ... and beaver is not on ... who the hell is posting these messages?

It’s Jake,

both me and beaver have let adam, and outlaw have a crack.

banskin you’ve been nothing but a whinging useless waste of oxygen since start up.

First of all you splatted on queen mero at start up trying to launch on a player 3 times your size this was after your failed push wondering why bookie wouldn’t let “banskin” and dr luke and DJ banskin accounts merge.

you then tried to piggy back on to our little mini op with me and ant and splatted again. Baring in mind I could see your troops you claim whored telling me you had nukes and nobles when you didn’t and begged ant for help.

I then allocated some of my gifts to you to help you shift to the ineveitable cartel frontline I included you in our long term plans to try and give you the best possibility of not boxing yourself in.

I assigned villages in my op plans because that’s what I do yes your villages were not massive but yet again the 3 I gave you gave you a good staging ground for picking up more and more caps.

you then went in 1/2 and 3/4 nukes on low morale and resorted to lying to rim players to gift.

you actively attacked a player we were recruiting to try and sabotage.

In short you’ve been nothing but a headache, holy was trying to placate you just to shut you up trying to cause arguments with everyone every 5 minutes.

Instead of trying to justify the stuff you’ve done just own it instead. You have no ones respect you probably won’t even get a badge for this one as if I understand correctly the merge agreement bwteeen NhS and cartel early doors was no jumpers to get a final slot.

all you’ve done is shown What you like, you won’t be turning anyone we’ve played with against us this time everyone has been well aware of your crap from the get go.

stop dragging your 5 seconds of relevance out and unload all of your “screenshots” in one go so we can go back to not acknowledging your existence.