Who'd win in a 1v1?


none of you

btw your shitty casual isnt worth anything here

pablo escobar vs joaquin guzman


Well at least I have a life outside of TW :), which is as much as I can say for you and your friends in SLAP! who take this game waaay more serious than me and that's a grand achievement so I bow down to you :icon_biggrin:.

No idea who any of them are but I'm gonna guess that's because it's either boxing or football.

Patris Mortem

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
We all know SLAP! Win every time against these noobs when it is a fair round.

The whole world united everyround vs SLAP!


I'm pretty sure the current round 5v5 was fair :)

Or is it because you asked for help and still lost?
I doubt SLAP! will ever admit a fair match until the whole UK server drools on them :lol:.

The whole world would win.
It would only take 20 someone noobs to beat SLAP! but that's because he's German, and it might be hard for Matt to accept, but they are better than any UK player at TW when it comes to speed :icon_cool:.

Patris Mortem

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Only takes "20" of Olli to beat the SLAP! Team? There is nowhere near 20 SLAP! players. So yeah, your right.. Would probably take 20+ Ollis.

Just admit it Fidel, you don't have a clue what your talking about..?


There is nowhere near 20 SLAP! players.

Hahaha that doesn't really seem true as nearly every player that plays speed these days is either the resistance (~MYR~ and everyone who hates SLAP!) or plays with SLAP! or is a Sneak. Tbh this server needs new competition (well it did years ago).

If I don't make much sense, I apologise.


We all know SLAP! Win every time against these noobs when it is a fair round.

The whole world united everyround vs SLAP!

Yeah SLAP! win every 1 time in 6 lol

You ever stop to think why people don't like SLAP!? its not because they are good and noble people...i've been doing that for years on this server and very few hate me for it!

People hate you because you lie, cheat and steal your wins. Then when you do win you mock your opponents!

Take Lady Sleepy for example... played with SLAP! helped them win. The was backstabbed now she/he attacks your players every round! That is nothing to do with MYR that is your own doing

Take Littledrew... worked with SLAP! many times then this... http://scr.hu/2b8j/geelu forced him to attack us then backstab him the next round! Wouldn't surprise me if he attacks u every round he plays from now on!

Cowards deserve everything they get! Simple as that... and I for one won't stop until these tactics are eradicated from this server...I've done it before and I will do it again!

As for needing more competition fidel... yes it does need competition and that is exactly what MYR was made for... to educate those who were ganged by SLAP! every round form them into a team and then have them go off make their own teams and create more competition... unfortunately tho it kind of backfired because when I stopped playing those I taught went back to fighting alone and got ganged by SLAP! again... this time instead of fighting back they just joined them instead! That is cowardly!


Where do you get your info from :D Lady sleepy has never been slap. And as for people not hating you, is that supposed to be a joke? Do you really want to talk about lying? You claim to have beaten us 6-1, either you cant count or just like to lie tbh either option is just as feasible.


You ever stop to think why people don't like SLAP!? its not because they are good and noble people...i've been doing that for years on this server and very few hate me for it!



Obviously u can't count daser it is 5-1.. which is 1 in 6... Ask Matt to explain that for you hes well educated! lol

Only people who hate me are SLAP! and lets face it thats only because I rejected you and then kicked ur backsides over and over and over!


Funny 1 day round if I must say so myself :D :D
I came better rank than any SLAP! player - Probs because I nobled the player with most points in SLAP! and he had about 560... I have screenshots don't worry :icon_wink:.