Duck Hunting: A sad history of the war so far


So fellow denizens of UK32 (and of course other world players welcome plus any mod and other random readers of these forums) gather round and let me tell you a tale of two tribes and some poor wee defenceless barbs......

Some time ago (ok ok nearly ten days as I type this) war was officially declared between Poker and the Duck family and in the Poker camp axes were sharpened, recipes for Duck checked, shopping lists made and clicking keys cleaned and all was declared well.

In the Duck camp things were a little different....oh my so let us take you down a short journey into memory lane and see what happened in the Duck's nest (decor is mostly checklists of inactives and shoddy pictures of ducks beating small barbs over the head).

Chief Duck: (translated from quacking into english for you honestly I spoil you) "oh woe is us the tribe Poker have declared on us! What are our plans my feathered friends?

Other Ducks: ........(some tumble weed may or may not have rolled past here at this point accounts vary)

Chief Duck: "Come now this is not our support forum is it allowed to speak? We have plots to hatch so we can defeat these evil Poker players who come to take our villas and seem to all attack at once which is not our way at all!

Other Ducks: ...... (some tumble weed may may not have rolled past here at this point accounts vary)

Chief Duck: "ok then I know we have been a mostly barb eating tribe with family affiliations to make us look scary but seriously what are we to do. Nibbles young barb.

Other Ducks: .....(some tumble weed may may not have rolled past here at this point accounts vary)

Chief Duck: "ok ok I say we just stack and not attempt snipes unless we really bored. Then after the first OP on us when they have killed most of our def we shall just stack ourselvess. Nods beak.

Other Ducks: ......(some tumble weed may may not have rolled past here at this point accounts vary)

Bar some Ducks who at this point went inactive or left the Duck Nest in disgust

Chief Duck: "However during the war/duck hunt it is ok to still noble as many barbs as possible.

Other Ducks: "Cheering then silence"

Side 1:
Tribes: Poker
Side 2:
Tribes: DO!, !Do!

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 153
Side 2: 102
Difference: 51


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 66
Side 2: 4
Difference: 62


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 902,366
Side 2: 328,057
Difference: 574,309


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 457,700
Side 2: 31,737
Difference: 425,963


Next time will bring you an in depth review of whether Roast Duck with sweet potato wedges, greens and a redcurrant jus is better than sliced Duck breast over spring greens and salad. Poker approved recipes at all good Innogames bookshops.