

Hello there lads,
Can I ask who stole my account and the thousands of PP on it lol. More importantly though the account itself and they changed the name from Randyyy to I believe '- Superbad.' which by the way is a super downgrade. It has honestly broken my heart and the person should be stoned.

Genuinely hoping for someone to say it was them...


Patris is trolling, he just really wanted it to be him.

I sent in a ticket as Marcus advised but also got some new info.

The email was changed to incorpinsdaniel@yahoo.com (I can see this now looking at my old email which says to which email adress it has changed) , I searched my skype for someone with same name as incorpinsdaniel and a guy named Doritooz came up. I have no idea who this is and it's probably someone who changed their skype name since playing with me.


Big shoutout to Brian and Pat who helped solve the case.
Pleased to say King Randyyy the Great has his account back.

As for the other guy. It seems to have been done by '-Mr President' and 'milky way' (which was where the pp was sent to).

I hereby promote Pat to my left hand man