2nd and 3rd Churches built- how to move 1st church


Once a 2nd and subsequent church is built the game will not allow you to demolish your 1st church to move it. Is it possible to Cat it yourself from another village and once destroyed, to rebuild it somewhere different?




No, you can't targret your First Church with catapults. You also can't demolish it once you have built another church in another the village. The only way you can relocate your First Church now is if you a) demolish all other churches you have built, or b) allow the village which contains your First Church to be nobled. If the village with your first church is nobled, then you are allowed to rebuild it in any of villages that don't already have a church.


would this work if you noble the village yourself? i.e you noble your own village from yourself


As I said in another thread, it can be demolished and rebuilt.

Mod said so on .net, I haven't played a church world since though. Make sure your HQ is level 15 though.


well it won't let me demolish it.

so my question still stands. if i were to noble my own village, the one with my first church in it, would it be demolished like when you noble an enemy villlage allowing me to build it somewhere else?


well it won't let me demolish it.

so my question still stands. if i were to noble my own village, the one with my first church in it, would it be demolished like when you noble an enemy villlage allowing me to build it somewhere else?

That is a very good question, I guess you would be able to do that. The church will disappear no matter who nobles the village, so nobling it yourself should work.


well it won't let me demolish it.

so my question still stands. if i were to noble my own village, the one with my first church in it, would it be demolished like when you noble an enemy villlage allowing me to build it somewhere else?

Well I haven't played a church world since the update, so I can't say you're wrong.

But in answer to your question. Yes.