45 - 46 FAIL is recruiting!


FAIL, the tribe of all tribes are recruiting!
If you are somewhat near us, we are currenly inviting folks on random and hope they accept. That's just to get a firm tribe to start with in a somewhat cluster! All of our members can recruit but Dödatattaren is in charge of recruitment and he'll gladly answer any question that you may have. But please, are you not in K45 or K46 or even close to our members, move closer before applying! No specific points needed at such an early state, but activity is required. We wish to grow too!

If you have any questions about FAIL that don't concern recruitment applications, questions etc. Send your questions my way, or Fifflarn and we will answer as soon as we can!

FAIL Diplomacy!
At such an early state we don't form any alliances but could reconsider or consider an NAP if the Mail/Application is well-written. In other words, you have motivated why.

Erhm, I guess that's it? Ah, well some basics about the tribe then.

Recruitment: Open, to anyone as long as they're closeby on the map! For questions or applications: Dödatattaren.
Diplomacy: Selective, but report your interest to me: Leif The Plunderer
Questions Primary: Not that he have agreed to this post, but lets get this slacker busy, eh? Hollar to: Fifflarn.

Yours truely,
Leif The Plunderer