7.0 ~ Map



Oh deary me, where to begin? Speed, efficiency and intuitiveness were the focus of the developmental effort that went into the following features. Before we start, we'd like to assure you that map loading and render times have actually been improved despite the number of changes. An example of this is that the short loading time required before taking you to a location you selected off the minimap has mostly been eliminated.

Context Menu! The first of the major changes to the map is the addition of a Context Menu. What? Click any village on the map to be presented with several options that were previously only available after clicking into and loading the Village Information screen.

Should you find the context menu not to your liking, there is an option to deactivate it.


Context Menu; clockwise from top: Claim, Player Profile, Message, Favourite, Send Resources, Send Troops.
Middle: Village Information.
Own villages: 'Write Message' is replaced by 'Village Overview'.
Uninhabited villages: 'Player Profile' and 'Write Message' are not displayed.
Some functions may be unavailable for non-premium players.

Dragging! Drag your way across the map or minimap. I really have very little to say here beyond that I desperately and hopelessly try to drag my way around whenever I find myself testing on an older version. After experiencing the map like this for the past few weeks, I personally will never want it any other way.

Sizing! We've doubled the previous size limit for the maps and are now offering 30x30, but that's not all! By dragging the right and bottom edges of the map you can create the size that suits you and your screen best - within the unprecedentedly large 30x30 limits. See below for an example of what this entails.


World Map! For those that want a strategic rather than a tactical overview of the situation in your region, be sure to try out the World Map feature. Clicking the link supplied under the minimap will give you a large-scale view of the world along with a few statistics about you and your tribe's world domination. Should you see something interesting, clicking on it will close the pop-up and bring your normal map to that location.

Mobile! Users taking advantage of the Tribal Wars pages that have been optimized for mobile devices will be pleased to hear that the map will now auto-size itself based on your screen. It will also rotate along with your device - assuming your device supports such things. Lastly and obviously, mobile players will also be able to scroll happily along with their finger on touch-based devices.

Marking! Individual villages - meaning including barbarians - can now be added to map highlight groups. That's not all! Highlight tribes on the map from their Tribe Information Page.
