7.0 ~ Miscellaneous Optimizations


[tt]Miscellaneous Optimizations

BB-Codes are now case-insensitive. This means that where [ b ] Bold [ / b] gave you Bold, [ B ] and [ / B ] will also. Without the spaces, that is. BB-Codes are now also available for use in the Tribal Welcome Message. In closing, you can now have up to 1000 BB-Code brackets in a forum post before you get told to take your enthusiasm down a notch.

Market The much-appreciated recalculation of recruitable troops after your numbers have been entered is a feature we have extended to the market now as well, where the maximum number of transferable resources will now automatically adjust itself based on the values you have already filled in.

Friends Add players as friends directly from their player profile!

Village List Pop-up The village list popup (see the button next to the village selection arrows) will now continue to show the group selection drop-down box regardless of how far down you scroll your many acquisitions, for the sake of easing mobility.

Academy The button that selected the maximum amount of coins that could be minted in your villages has been replaced with a drop-down box from which you can select a specific number of coins you would like filled out across all villages with mintable coins on the 'Mint Coins' page that can be found from inside academies.
