Okay, so spam this thread too if you must but please, a personal plea to D1 and Visser, keep your spat to the thread you have already hijacked as your boxing ring.
The topic under discussion here is Castle Assault. Who else is still playing that ridiculous Castle Assault thing in the hope of accruing enough medals to get something useful.
1. Are you still playing?
2. what is the best buff?
3. Have you spent pp to raid the castle and how much? (NO D1, DO NOT GO OFF ON ANOTHER PP HATER RANT!!!)
i'll start...
1. Yes (sad I know)
2. I want the coins box but will settle for axe
3. No (I a cheapskate)
The topic under discussion here is Castle Assault. Who else is still playing that ridiculous Castle Assault thing in the hope of accruing enough medals to get something useful.
1. Are you still playing?
2. what is the best buff?
3. Have you spent pp to raid the castle and how much? (NO D1, DO NOT GO OFF ON ANOTHER PP HATER RANT!!!)
i'll start...
1. Yes (sad I know)
2. I want the coins box but will settle for axe
3. No (I a cheapskate)