Account Sitting


I was asked to sit an account for a few days by a member of my tribe, while he decided if he wanted to carry on with the game..

Tyhat was two weeks ago and he hasn't come back. How do I stop sitting his account, so I can pillage him since he is obviously not coming back.


By going (on your account):

Tribe> Properties> Disband Tribe> Ok.

This will allow you to farm him. Also gives you super human powers.


yes you can stop acc sitting I think but I don't think you can farm him after that


No worries. It was funny.

There must be a way to stop sitting his account other than him logging back in.


Under the account sit section should be an option to withdraw the acc sit. I am almost 100% sure about this. Can't check right now because I have no acc to sit ^^


The rules say 'no interaction for 24 hours'. I assumed I could pillage him after that.


Under the account sit section should be an option to withdraw the acc sit. I am almost 100% sure about this. Can't check right now because I have no acc to sit ^^

That's where I looked first. I can't find anything that allows me to cancel it there. I'll look again.:icon_confused:


OK. Sorry guys, I've found it.

It's not in my account sitting section, it's in his.


Under the account sit section should be an option to withdraw the acc sit. I am almost 100% sure about this. Can't check right now because I have no acc to sit ^^

what he said is true,look under account sitting and you can end it, youocan also transfer account sitting to another player


In your own acount go to setting sitter, you will see all the accounts you are sitting click on end sitting. Sorry can't remember the exact txt but that is all you have to do.

For the love of god, santa or what ever you belive in, do not send his troops away out of the villa or suicide them. I did that once same senario guy came back 3 days laters. I got banned for 12 hours and lost 1/3 of my points randmon reduction of my buildings accross 3 of my villas. I wanted to cry so don't do that, all it would take is for him to be in a bad mood put in a support case and that's it.

I would say the best thing to do is, just end the sit wait 24 hours and take the cost of killing his troops in the usual, legal way.