Annoying new windows...


When on the homepage if you click any of links at top it opens a new window and for me this is very annoying as I like to keep all my things tabbed, wondering if there was any way I can stop it doing this? At the moment i'm using the new toolbar link to prevent it but eventually that is just gonna dissapear :lol:

Note: I'm using Internet explorer


right click what you want to go on and choose open in new tab :)


You could also hold Ctrl and left click the link, this will open a new tab :)
However, I too find this frustrating, the .net homepage doesn't open a new window but the homepage does, what actually makes this happen/why is it different?


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what actually makes this happen/why is it different?

uk's links look like this:

<a href="" target="_blank"">Speed</a>

net's look like this:
<a href="sds_rounds.php?mode=present">Speed Rounds</a>

The portion that reads:


is what is making .uk's open in a separate window (or tab for those of you that use opera).

Either removing that bit, or changing it to the following would make it act like .net's links do:

<a href="" target="_self"">Speed</a>

I agree it's annoying, I'd much rather it opened in the same tab/window, but not within my control, but that is why it does it.
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Well then how about putting in a suggestion to change it Nauz :icon_wink:


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Nooooo, I like it better this way :)

Main reason I dislike it is because with how .net is setup you can click the mouse wheel on your mouse to choose to open the window in another tab/window, whereas on .uk there is no way to opt out of it opening it in the same tab/window if that is your preference.


Main reason I dislike it is because with how .net is setup you can click the mouse wheel on your mouse to choose to open the window in another tab/window, whereas on .uk there is no way to opt out of it opening it in the same tab/window if that is your preference.

For some reason I've just got used to:
-Clicking on TW homepage (on speed dial)
-Clicking forums
-Signing in

I guess using the mousewheel won't alter that behaviour too much, but will just mean I can't click three times consecutively. I'm not really fussed though, just lazy :icon_razz: