Army Camp Guide


Noticed we didn't have anything on army camps in this section so I thought I'd have a go as a lot of questions are asked about army camps. I'm not an expert on them, but should know enough to make a basic guide :)

The Army Camp

The army camp is a recent addition to the game, at time of writing its only available in World 4.

It works as a mobile attack base where you can station armies to attack the opponent with or stack it with defense. It offers up a whole new range of tactics that tribes can take advantage of.

The Cost

It costs 100 gold coins for an army camp. These coins must be donated by members of the tribe. If a member leaves a tribe, the coins still remain and can't be taken back.

Coins can be donated on the Army Camp section within your tribe, you cna choose to donate a specific amount or all of your spare coins.

A useful tatic for getting coins is to donate the coins of internalled players before you take their last village. The same can be done for merging accounts.

Generally coins should only be donated at later points in the game, never near the start when you only have very few gold coins as it can set you behind a ong way.


As well as the 100 gold coins per camp, theres also a point requirement. You need to have 1,000,000 points in order to build a camp. For each million you have, you can have an extra army camp at once (e.g. if you have over 2,000,000 you can build two army camps at once)


Army Camps can only be built by those with Baron or Duke privilidges.

They can not be placed on any tile containing villages, other army camps, forests etc.

When you have placed an army camp on a spare tile, it appars as under construction which is visible to all.

While under construction, it can not be attacked. It only becomes an army camp when the first army arrives, from then on it is attackable.

Defending An Army Camp

Army camps have no walls so no defensive bonus is recieved. Paladin weapons work as usual, affecting all armies contained within. The troops inside will only count as relgious if they came from a village covered by a church.

Its a good idea to have defense in every army cam you make as troops inside are very vulnerbale.

Incomings are visible on the army camp summary screen to all in the tribe.

Scouts can still see the full contents of an Army camp

Destruction Of An Army Camp

If an army camp is attacked and all troops inside are cleared, then the camp is destroyed, even if attacked by a single LC or ram.

After a set time limit the camp is also destroyed. This varies between worlds but is set at 5 days for W4.

When an army camp is destroyed, armies on their way return home and armies that are sent to attcak continue their mission then return to their original village.


The camp can only be used by the tribe who built it. Also, troops can only be commanded from it by the player they belong to.

Up to 20 armies can be stored in the army camp.

Army camps can attack and support normally but their actions can not be cancelled. After an attack an army will return to its home village.

Morale still affects armies attacking from an army camp.


  • Later in the game, army camps can make a great decoy. You can stick a contruction site in the middle of enemy lines which will likely cause panic and may make them mve support around. Then you can attcak elsewhere and get them unperepared
  • You can set a trap by sticking an army camp in the middle of an enemy and stacking it with cats and bonfire plus a lot oof scouts. The enemy migt try attcaking it and will lsoe big. If you have plenty of scouts too, they can't see how much you've got or what damage they've done

  • When sending troops to a contruction site, you're best off timing them to land in the nb so they can all arrive by morning. If one army gets there before all the others, the camp can be destroyed by a peremptive strike!

  • You could stick a load of HC in an army camp during an op to use as an "emergency support camp". Then if the opponent counter attcaks you can get support to weak points in your line. I sugegst HC due to its speed, but conventional defense works just as well. Bets to keep this camp behind your lines.

  • When using an offense army camp, its a good idea to create some decoys filled with defense so they spread supprt and don't know where the attacks coming from

  • Camps are best used to soften targets for your frontline to take with a train, but you could send a noble with each nuke in the camp too. Could help open up another front if you have a camp ready to support with nearby.

  • More tactics to come soon...

If you notice any mistakes or have extra things to add, please post below (there's likely a lot I've missed, i shall add more over the enxt couple of days anyway). Reps always appreciated :D


Spotted one error here.

Attacks and support from the camp can be canceled as any other command would be.

This is useful for keeping nukes at full strength, dodging offense whilst any defense soak up attacks on the camp.


Great guide, doomdealer, thanks!

Up to 20 armies can be stored in the army camp. - if the camp is full, and an army is sent on a mission, does its "space" become free again?
Incomings are visible on the army camp summary screen to all in the tribe. - if the camp is still a construction site, are incomings visible?
Morale still affects armies attacking from an army camp. - are attacks against army camps always at 100% morale?
Attacks and support from the camp can be canceled as any other command would be. - does cancelling a command return the army to the camp or its village?
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Great guide, doomdealer, thanks!

Up to 20 armies can be stored in the army camp. - if the camp is full, and an army is sent on a mission, does its "space" become free again?
Incomings are visible on the army camp summary screen to all in the tribe. - if the camp is still a construction site, are incomings visible?
Morale still affects armies attacking from an army camp. - are attacks against army camps always at 100% morale?
Attacks and support from the camp can be canceled as any other command would be. - does cancelling a command return the army to the camp or its village?

I believe that once the mission has been completed (and the army heads home) a space would become available

Construction sites can't be attacked so the only incomings shown would be saying how amny armies are on their way to the camp.

Camps woould always be attacked at 100% morale

By what morningstar said I'd guess it returns to the camp, but can't be sure


Great guide, doomdealer, thanks!

Up to 20 armies can be stored in the army camp. - if the camp is full, and an army is sent on a mission, does its "space" become free again?

Incomings are visible on the army camp summary screen to all in the tribe. - if the camp is still a construction site, are incomings visible?

Morale still affects armies attacking from an army camp. - are attacks against army camps always at 100% morale?

Attacks and support from the camp can be canceled as any other command would be. - does cancelling a command return the army to the camp or its village?

1. I haven't tried this one yet, I would reckon that as space will be come available either after the attack cancellation period or once the attack has landed

2. When the camp is under construction the only command that can be carried out against a camp is to support it(by tribe members only)
Camps cannot be attacked until the first army has been stationed.

3. Moral is always at 100% when attacking the camp, when targetting villages from the camp moral is based on the owner of the troops to the defender.

4. if commands are cancelled then troops return to the camp (I have tried this)


Spotted one error here.

Attacks and support from the camp can be canceled as any other command would be.

This is useful for keeping nukes at full strength, dodging offense whilst any defense soak up attacks on the camp.

Attacks from the camp can be cancelled, and they will return to the army camp.

Support from the camp cannot be cancelled.

There is a "cancel" link you can click on, and it will refresh the page, but the action is not cancelled.
I have tried this on world 4, on several different occasions (may be a bug that will get fixed at a later date)


This is now useless as they will be removed from the game i think


Hope whoever came up with the bright idea of deleting them, is shot. Painfully. :icon_rolleyes: