Barb villages is this world as poor as world 5


On world 5 every one said the barb's going up to 7000+ point was bad is this world any better with amount of barb villages in some area's giving those local such a start.


If you are referring to the "rings" of barbs, those were due to some people multi-accounting.

W5 with barbs going up to 7000 imo is just wrong for obvious reasons, being a great hater of barb munching I liked W3 barb settings the most (growing up to 500 points) it makes farming more time-consuming but at least is encourages less barb noblers and when people do noble them they are having to build up 500 point villas as opposed to 1.5k or 3k or 7k ones. W6 with barbs growing up to 3000 is still pretty bad I think but definitely better than W5.

As for "giving those local such a start" as many have said top players will be top players wherever they start


The barbs in world 5 grew faster than most of the top 20 in that world, so they are now where near as bad.


If you are referring to the "rings" of barbs, those were due to some people multi-accounting.

As for "giving those local such a start" as many have said top players will be top players wherever they start

You are right the top players will always rise to the top you see the same names every time but we look to have a lot more top players on this world?
as for the multi accounting there must be a way to stop people having this unfair advantage


Those who multi-account are banned, most who are doing it get caught in the first week.