Changelog 8.345


Community Manager
Community Manager
Reaction score
Update to version 8.345

Hello everyone,

Version 8.345 will be released on (CH/EN=February 26, THE REST=February 27). With this update, we are introducing a cosmetic addition:

Last year for the 20th Birthday, we gave out scrolls that altered the colour of your name in the rankings and your profile. From the feedback that we have seen and gathered, we have decided to fully implement them into the game. You will now be able to acquire them on the cosmetics page under the premium section.

image (32).png

You will now also be able to gift scrolls to other players. If you still have scrolls from last year, these are also shareable.

image (33).png

  • Fixed an issue where the flag activate button was clickable even though it was greyed out

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at LINK THREAD HERE.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team