Christmas & New Year Peace times 2023/24

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Well-Known Member
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Dear players,

As always we'll be having attack breaks over the Christmas and New Year holidays. The details are as follows:

Attack Breaks
The attack break affects both attacks on barbarian villages and player owned villages and will be applied to all running worlds speed excepted

Please note that the times mentioned in this announcement are not exact and that there may be slight deviations. Please do not count on these to be exact when defences/attacks!
As you already know from recent years, players with an active Farm Assistant will be receiving additional days of this feature for the duration of the Christmas and New Year's peace time, as a compensation of the time they will be unable to farm during the attack breaks. Scavenging remains possible.

Christmas holidays

From 10:00 on the 24th of December to 00:00 on the 27th of December, any attacks that arrive at villages will turn into visits. They will not do any damage.
From 18:00 on the 24th of December to 06:00 on the 26th of December, you will be prevented from sending any attacks.


New year's holidays

From 10:00 on the 31st of December to 0:00 on the 2nd of January, any attacks that arrive at villages will turn into visits. They will not do any damage.
From 10:00 on the 31st of December to 10:00 on the 1st of January, you will be prevented from sending any attacks.


Support will have very limited availability on the following days:
- The 24th, 25th and 26th of December
- The 31st of December and the 1st of January.

It will still be possible to send in tickets, but please do not expect any prompt replies .
Thanks for your understanding and happy holidays!
Your Community Management Team
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