Closing of UK 3


[tt]UK 3 will be closed to new registrations as of 18:00 hrs on 10/01/11

At this time we will also be turning off the option, to restart after you have been rimmed.


Community Manager[/tt]


that is good news

i just sent 6 attacks at TFF all sent me back to log in screen
i asume the winner has been decided already


No winner has been decided evil elf you should be able to attack whoever you wish


this war is not even begun yet long long way to go yet mate carry on hitting tff the more the merrier lmao


Oh Furry Trouser Mammal be like Aslan and look for the deeper magic! Of course we have an evil elf turn off button switch for sending 5 attacks....!

Ok as per normal I have no idea what goes on in other tribes but with W3 closing and we entering the era of rim or win thought might be fun to send out those TFF cameras and see what is happening where!

You may wish to play some music as you read so click here.

In the beginning there was Tracey! She did look upon her universe and did think “Oh my this is perfect but dull” so by the power vested in her by Innogames she did create gasp Thargoran! He did exclaim “let there be light!” and there was!

The more perceptive amongst you will by now have realised that this means that Tracey created Thargoran IN THE DARK which may explain an awful lot!

I digress.

Tracey and Tharg did look out upon this world and thought to themselves how can we make this better?

And so they got to work and created UK1 and saw that almost all was good and thought how can we make this better and so created UK2 and though “Dear lord what have we created?” and so with much thought they did think about their next move. So did Tharg remove some spare rib from his celestial take away container and Tracey did dip it in some hoi sin sauce and they did watch the alchemy do its work! On the 7th day did emerge the Nauzhror with a badge saying I is No 1 for 23 and a 1/2 minutes pinned to his chest and Tracey did glare at Tharg and say “oh my god he has a spreadsheet what have you done?!"

And Tharg did gulp and say fret not for look at what I have also made....

and so they did look down and saw UK3 emerge and it was perfect with settings of pure joy! 500 point barbs, no fake rule, NO CHURCHES OR PALADIN OR ARCHERS and packets sweet packets and simple techs (as it makes folk think) and Tracey did say “I almost forgive you” but her heart was full of joy as she did see the TW players set up their villas and set to; first in spear wars then in axe and spear wars and then nobles did emerge!

Great tribes grew up and titanic struggles began by those that rumbled and those that wore red, others hugged in omelettes and others threw tantrums from the Jungle and some even spoke in french (for a while). Some wore Roman garb, others thought they had the X factor and some thought safety lay in becoming a family!

Many tribes warred and some crumbled, others disbanded and yet if you look closely through the Top 20 tribes thread some began to grow strong and began to munch their way through the rest.

Once mighty tribes did go inactive and drift apart, others did spam the forums and discuss at huge length what was a war or a skirmish and did not notice their members grow bored with their leaders childish gripes.

Great players like Tea Towel Boy did rule the rankings forcing folk to eat popcorn and cheese straws until they to began to feel the lure of real life!
But on the fringes two tribes were growing strong. One holding off the Kamacommedian tribe (sort of) did find a taste for less organised tribes and began to move in towards the core!

The other with a penchant for cloaks and rudimentary farm equipment did begin to bide their time whilst their allies fell one by one and they could gorge themselves to their heart's content (snacking on 500 point barbs still but just so they could prepare themselves for other worlds of course!)

And so as Tracey looked down upon this perfect world she did see that such were the settings that warfare raged so quick that the numbers of players did fall and not wanting late comers to the UK worlds to see that they were missing on their barb bloated worlds she did wave her IT wand and closed the best of the UK worlds to new comers!

So as the TFF camera swoops (chuckle) to the remaining tribes what sort of footage do we see?!

First we pass the ghoulish graveyards of the Land of the Former Farms where the Shroud Wearers do abide. Lack of food forces them to huddle in giant stacks to keep warm yet our camera passes them to where their council sits....

Learning to Count Star is reclining against a gravestone popping young barbs into a brazier to keep warm...

'So great AcheronOne” your plans are to stack the frontline as we have done before? My memory grows dim but I think the Skirt Wearers tried this and failed (epically)”

'Dang” said “AcheronOne” puffing on his cigarette “but is what we always do when folk attack us. Is all we ever do!”

“Yes” simpered Not Quite Mastered Counting John “throw away your nukes as they are useless! Stack stack and stack some more! “ and giggling manically he draped himself in swords and spears and sat motionless waiting for someone to attack him.

'Huum' said The Lexus sipping on some champagne “It just seems well dull. To stack and wait? I mean is great logging on and waiting but can't I attack anyone?”

“no” snarled AcheronOne “as attacking is dangerous! If you must then attack a barb. Nothing large as the 1k ones sometimes have troops in so just go for 500 pointers”

'But” gasped The Lexus is almost worse than building up barbs for you to noble? “Silence” cried AcheronOne all my caps are real and proper and is no question that the Furry Trouser Mammal does this for me.” and with that he threw on his cowl, signalled frantically for a skelton dressed in a kilt to turn on the smoke machine and glided away into his sepulchre......

So our camera glides towards the land of TFF where we can begin to see the familiar shapes of the Ferocious Nubbettes preparing their spear nukes...

SuicidEd is banging his head repeatedly against a stacked wall occasionally taking a brick and placing it in a pile behind him and glaring at the noise a Jetski is making in the background.

SleepyDan is reading up on geese avoidance techniques and Seren is glaring at her table. As your scribe sips wine and looks upon this scene of tribal contentment surrounded by the lush farms of the TFF lands Triari races past wearing his I heart Scotland T shirt disturbing the figure of Desperado who was playing peek a boo with the Revolution tribe. To the south Reggie Boy is fiddling (mitchnom goes blind) with his Mac muttering “I should have bought a PC” over and over again.

And Tracey did smile down upon this world and flicking the switch denying its wondrous charms to the TW community and frowning at The Nauzhror who had shaved 0.1458 milesconds of a nuke building time by farming (using only a ram to make it harder) did take the Tharg by the hand and did say 'think we did good making this one” and so my story ends!

Thanks for all in UK3 for making it so fun so far and hope for a lot more as we see who will emerge as last tribe standing!

P.S.If your a 500 point barb and in the East please don;t venture into the woods tonight......!!


Surely there must be a reward for reading all that :?


mate that was a real good read,
i always wondered what went on in your head


apart from hating being called mate?!

glad you know my mind furry trouser mammal :icon_eek:


Great story Jo, but what I want to know is why do DEATH have a cooler fashion sense than us? Really someone needs to peel that t-shirt of Tris back and wash it.


um having seen the new reports am not sure that death do have a better fashion sense than us (though presently am a vision in dressing gown :icon_redface:)

they mostly look a little worried running away though have switched this feature off now!

However Triari has now washed his T shirt AND used conditioner.

Fresh smelling laundry FTW! :icon_eek:


I can't stop laughing! WOW!

Good stuff!

ahh Hold on, need to go out for a smoke and to noble another TFF village.

Be back shortly!
