Communism. Your views?


My problem with communism is that equality is promoted as being more important than liberty. It is impossible to have liberty, equality and stability (or order). One must be sacrificed for the other two. For the sake of argument let's assume we want stability (we don't want crime, we don't want to be invaded, etc.). We must balance liberty and equality, but we can't have both. In a communist system, people are forced into equality by restricting what they can do (such as setting up businesses). In a free-market system, equality falls victim to the choices made by individuals.

My personal preference is for liberty. I don't care if my neighbour is richer than me, as long as he can't tell me how to live my life. Obviously I'm not absolutist about this - I would rather the equality of suffrage than the liberty to own slaves, for instance, but for me, liberty is more important than equality.


People are not equal and treating everyone as such would be foolish. Stability and liberty a far more important.


What makes you feel like a better person than anyone else?


People don't have to be better than each other, but they are not equal


so what kind of equality are you referring to that would be foolish?


Treating everyone the same. People are unique and have different aspirations and skills. Also they have different wants and needs


People are not equal and treating everyone as such would be foolish. Stability and liberty a far more important.

You misunderstand what I mean by equality. I mean giving everyone equal chance to prove themselves, equal opportunities for everyone as best as we can manage.

Not treating everyoen the same, paying the same wages, so on and so forth.

However, getting equality such as that is a bloody hard task. Almost as hard as sorting out Liberty so that everyone can prosper from it.


I don't care much for it, we've coped fine for the last few thousand years of civilisation whilst our freedom has been 'shackled' by law and order.


I don't care much for it, we've coped fine for the last few thousand years of civilisation whilst our freedom has been 'shackled' by law and order.
yeah, everything started to go wrong when those do-gooder liberals abolished serfdom. children belong up chimneys and trade-unionists on the pyre.


yeah, everything started to go wrong when those do-gooder liberals abolished serfdom. children belong up chimneys and trade-unionists on the pyre.



yeah, everything started to go wrong when those do-gooder liberals abolished serfdom. children belong up chimneys and trade-unionists on the pyre.

I think you're exaggerating somewhat here.

Liberty can exist just fine with Equality and Stability. There's little reason it can't. It's just that it needs to restricted somewhat to prevent dicks from dicking about.


On paper Communism would be the best form of governent. However, human nature prevents it from ever succeeding. As Churchill once said " Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried"