Whilst I agree fairly well with your summary of the event, I can't help but comment on this point. Gixxer received permission every step of the way from in game mods on what he done. How can it be unwarrented and abuse of sitting, if the mods told him it was perfectly legal and acceptable. Even Drew, publicly stated that Gixxer had done nothing wrong, only use the account sit effiecently.
Silent Warrior gifted his account to WAR ( his enemy), and Gixxer received permission to noble it out via sitting, from the mods. The mods considered this being the wishes of the account holder and so accepted it.
As Evol had made no preliminary plans for such an eventuality ( WAR had), they were naturally very angry. I could genuinely see why to be honest, I'd hate if it happened us. However as said, they could have made plans for this, indeed it looked like they had with some of their larger players moving to a secondary tribe, MOO. This tribe could have been used to noble out Silent Warrior. They didnt though.
We all joined this world knowing that it had a tribe lock. Some made plans, which took quite a bit of forethought and time invested, to the "what-if" scenarios. Others did not.
However the mods, decided to change the rules, and stop Silent Warriors last wishes to be fulfilled. They ended the sit and removed Silent Warrior from EVOL - a breach of the original rules.
Then again, yesterday the rules were changed on two occasions in a single day. I really do wonder why these rules were set at the start of this world.
We mailed the mods in game and asked them how, if any way, we might internal two dead accounts. We were informed when we were ready, they would boot said players for us to noble. Every question was meticulously asked and probed by us to the mods. When satisfied we understood all that was allowed, we made plans to internal these accounts.
The player in question was booted earlier in the week, due to a mixup with the mods looking at the time stamp for sitting incorrectly. They quickly shoved him back into our tribe after realising their error.
A lot of time and effort, as well as mailing to mods, to cover our backsides, was performed. We performed a large op on one player in particular, who had a frontline account, and needed to be done swiftly and carefully. Some members spent 2 days launching trains and support. Again I can't re-iterate enough, that each step of our plans was informed and agreed as legal by the in game mods.
So after lots of planned launches, and much effort by all, suddenly the in game mods shove the player back into our tribe. This account now had no troops at home ( all been dodging our own tribes trains), and was surrounded by our enemy. With the settings on this world, many of our tribes trains just visited, leaving only a few villages taken as planned ( taken before he was shoved back in to WAR).
So in effect many of our players wasted a few days timing attacks and support, only for their trains to just visit and return home. The account in question was now completely defenseless and had EVOL nobling empty villages at will. Essentially for adhering to the advice of the mods we were swiftly and harshly punished, as they decided to change their minds on their ruling.
Whilst I understand the mods have a tough job, and the settings on this world are unique, I can't understand the constant rule changing and switching decisions made by them, whilst heavily punishing those players who informed the staff, and received permission from them.