Nice to see an unbiased summary of the events Jp. I completely see why EVOLTR would be angry, it's just the "WAR breaking rules again" attitude that goads me lol.
Nice to see an unbiased summary of the events Jp. I completely see why EVOLTR would be angry, it's just the "WAR breaking rules again" attitude that goads me lol.
Adellion, your outlook of this, is humourous at best. Your leaving out a pivotal piece of information from your comparison. Acid Blast deleted. He did not set a sitter, or attempt to merge accounts or run hiding from incomings. He deleted. Our player did not wanted to merge, the other abandoned the account, all of which are three different scenarios.
He wanted to be internalled, because of the settings, he could not be, so he set himself to be deleted. He OFFERED me his sit. Your point is defunct. You have lost this argument, so be silent.
We didn't ask the mods to boot our internals. It was their advice and suggestion that this is what must be done. We had other options at our disposal to avail of. The mods directions put us down the road we took.
You queried it. You bothered to send a ticket in. We did not. That's fault enough for me.
How very brave of you!
I learnt from the best, mainly WAR trying to target my inactive account when I had a quitting stint. You yourself attacked me in that OP against an account that needed internalling due to it being inactive (but alas, tribelock prevented that). Don't you dare talk to me about honour, you are led by one of the dirtiest and most manipulative players in UK server history, a player despised by most of his superiors in skill and a player who seems to blame me for all of his mistakes regarding the moderators, saying that I control them or something stupid like that.
I on the other hand, retain some honour in my fights at least. I respect my own tribe's diplomacy, unlike your leader (dare I remind you about GIXXER's repeated NAP breaks)? Be grateful I stayed my hand and didn't order EvoL to crush you there and then when we were quite larger than you.
I just want an answer!!
you have many answers but some of them do use long words so maybe skype me for some help. while you wait can i suggest you get back to doing what sammy tells you please?
Both sides are being petty, let's face it.
But what of Bazza? How come you joined and left several times, during a supposed tribe-locked world? I'm not here to criticise, I'm genuinely curious.
Oh Adellion you do make me laugh. "BE SILENT" :icon_biggrin: Who speaks like that?
It's a phrase used between me and my mates to put down people who are talking too much. It stems from when one of my mates said that quietly when his teacher got something wrong when he got it right, they had an argument, my mate proved said teacher wrong, and he was like "Yeah, exactly, so BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE silent."
This story amuses me to this day, and as such, I use the phrase on people like you who try to argue with me.
Every and any chance you get your on the externals screaming about something the big, bad WAR done. I've not met a player who complains and whinges so much, "WAR broke the rules here, WAR broke the rules there", "WAR are rubbish etc".
Call me what you will, be it horrible, loud-mouthed, egotistical, whatever... at least I'm a loyal and honourable player. I don't need spies to be good at this game, I don't need to be 3 to 1 O to D to be rank 1 ODA, my game is an artform, your leader is but a blunt hammering instrument who has yet to be tested, because 90% of his cluster is hidden in his backline, whereas only about 10% of my villages are backline.
The wording of internals was still in the rules, implying there was a way to do it. Don't blame me cos you never checked.
There SHOULD be no such things as internals in a tribelocked world. You have internals, you are screwed. Period. We got screwed by internals and you took advantage, now you should suffer your own medicine.
And didn't that poor player you speak so warmly of take a couple of villages off the GREAT ADELLION yesterday? Rumour has it, there would have been more lost by your account lol.
He lost all of his O against a player only 75% his size, and took 3 villages, while I took 2 of his sit. Add to the fact that 90% of his villages are backline, only 10% are mine. Oh, and he's coplayed and thus has higher activity, I am essentially solo unless you are counting my mate who logs in for about 5 mins per week. I also have commitments outside TW.
Go talk condescending to someone else buddy. You just make me laugh.
Go achieve something worthwhile on this world Lakadaem, then come back and talk to me. Try and get two gold milestone awards would be a good way to prove me wrong.
The wording of internals was still in the rules, implying there was a way to do it.
Maybe the best outcome for this world would be give everyone all there money back that they have spent/bought on/for this world and just close it down.
This poll is a joke and should not be introduced. There is no reason for it. its a fundamental change to the rules of the game. this world is now a complete joke.
Hey buddy. I explained earlier, the Bazza account was being sat. The mods told us they would boot the account after a certain time of pro-longed sitting. The first time he was booted, was a mistake as they misread the time stamp on the sitting ( or so I believe). The second time he was booted as per their original agreement with WAR. We organised to noble it once he was removed and had an op underway to take the villages. The mods suddenly changed their mind during the day, and shoved him back in the tribe, causing most of our trains to bounce, leaving the account wide open for EVOL. Most of it's troops were gone walkies so we could internal it.
Ah, thanks.
Sorry, I didn't read the walls of text previously, as they appeared to be the typical 'we're better than you, noobs' style rants.
Adellion I don't need to prove anything to you,
I wonder why you argue/disagree with me then.
I play this game for fun buddy.
I don't. I play only to help my tribe out, hence why you don't see me play any other worlds.
I've had plenty of milestones on worlds I've played seriously.
So either you're suggesting you're not playing seriously on UK10, or your statement above is not true. Or you are as depressingly addicted as GIXXER on the worlds you DO play seriously, if UK10 is an example of you not playing seriously. Plus, I thought you don't need to prove anything to me? But you are now? LOL. So much of those empty words.
I learned the hard way what taking it too seriously can do to a person.
Yep, alas.
I pay for this game and as such I treat it like a game as best as I can, and not like another job that constantly gnaws at you. Hell I didn't do a single thing on the account for 15 days there, thank god for AM lol.
It was a game to me, now it is an annoyance, though it does give me great pleasure when I actually see enemy troops dying against me.
I'm just so tired of listening to you whine about how unfairly WAR did something.
Don't do it then.
Seems like everytime I read your posts your complaining about something, or putting down someone.
Complaining isn't the word, criticising most definitely is. And putting down someone? Hell, most of my posts are like that. Why do you think people think I'm horrible? It gives me great pleasure in reinforcing that view, so that I don't have to deal with people who cannot take a colossal joke, and also so I can gain great amusement from watching them retort in anger. People's angry responses amuse me.
Hmm... I sound like Darth Sidious. I'll hush now. :3
Go take that break you from TW you promised yourself buddy. Have some fun!
Oh yeah, so you can cook another OP on an inactive R2R account.
A great idea....even keep the money lol![/FONT]
We should all mass-delete together, for lulz.
grrr. my wall of text was an unbiased analysis of the mess this world is in and why nobody is currently happy. it was most certainly not a "we're better than you" style rant.
Complaining isn't the word, criticising most definitely is. And putting down someone? Hell, most of my posts are like that. Why do you think people think I'm horrible? It gives me great pleasure in reinforcing that view, so that I don't have to deal with people who cannot take a colossal joke, and also so I can gain great amusement from watching them retort in anger. People's angry responses amuse me.
Hmm... I sound like Darth Sidious. I'll hush now. :3