early game smithy tacts


So I have only played uk2 before this world really, so the smithy techs are very new to me and I find them quite interesting. I decided I wanted to bring up a point and see what others thought about smithy upgrades. What I say here obviously really only applies to early world game time as eventually everyone will have their villages have full techs for all the units, and at that point there is no tact about it, just need to upgrade everything as fast as possible.

so looking at spears specifically, for starters, since everyone has spears :spear::
so for upgrading spears to level two, the limiting resource is wood. Therefore from the resources the upgrade requires, the most amount of spears you could make is 8 (410/50, you can't make a 9th with 10 wood). This is the limiting resource which means the upgrade costs much much more (relative to the world's lifespan so far) than 8 spears, especially in iron.

There are a lot of factors to take into account as far as stats upgrade but I think we're all plenty aware that spears are mainly used to defend against cavalry. So lets look at what the upgrade does for cav def. The defense seems to go up by an average of 2.33 (the .33 is prevalent in that every 3 upgrades it goes up by 3 instead of 2). I am not sure if it actually goes up by 2.33 and if you had enough spears it would add up or if it's just 2 and there is no rounding, I will assume a flat 2. Comparing this defense to rank 1 spears you would have to have 45/2 so 23 (rounding up) spears to basically get the equivalent defense of one more regular spear without the farm cost or actually building the unit. In lamense terms: 23 rank 2 spears have the equivalent cavalry defense of 24 rank 1 spears. That means to get the wood required for the upgrade be equivalent to just putting the resources into building more troops and not upgrading you would need 23x8 or 184 spears for the upgrade to use the equivalent wood and have the equivalent defense. Not to mention all the extra clay and iron the upgrade uses as well.

My point is, unless you're barracks/stable/workshop/hq queues are already 10+ hours and you need to spend some resources(which is very hard to achieve this early as the units move slower and the buildings build faster), is there a point in upgrading past rank 1 or is it better to just use the resources to build more units and go with quantity over quality till you have a big quantity of troops built up?


keep resources, dont upgrade till its not a hit on production to pay for them


As the techs don't improve the haul capacity or speed of troops, it is much more important to have quality for the sake of farming than power, except in the case of light cavalry, where higher tech level means they will be able to hit higher walled villages in smaller numbers without taking losses. Still I'd keep your hq/rax/stable queued constant as a priority, and once you reach your desired finishing hq level and don't need so many resources pour the excess into techs.

Deleted User - 695343

Totally with Muldeh on this one. <3

Unless you are actively engaged at this stage of the game (which is arguably a stupid tactic so soon) I wouldn't even worry about tech levels until your rax, stable, hq queues are well over 24 hours and you need to burn res. In which case, LC and axes would be my main priority. Considering most people make their first village primarily offensive, I wouldn't waste the money or time on defensive units early on unless I was using HC strat.

It's something I would certainly ensure is in order before I noble, but unless I'm engaged, I won't be putting too much thought into it for another week or so.