well you best count the lose what coming next for tv when your gone and no rest of G.F are active and still playing but they are happy to stay there so G.F out live TV so then G.F has won unlucky you lose again :lol:
this post inspired me so:
my memory paints a different picture: some shameful diplomacy and a niles worth of brown stuff on the nostrils for starters :lol:, one player who internaled the hell out of anything and anyone
THE BARBS 'OMG' *cough*
CPT SHARP*cough* one of many poor players over that side mehhh.
RESULT: a motley bunch, that enjoys pretty princes stories that end with skype tea parties and cupcakes to match their hat's.. the only player i feared south of me was the manosdia account (the real one)..hmm maybe the bladrick fella just because he was a nice guy he he..
everyone else kinda reminded me that being a social butterfly must be fascinating to say the least waah waah waah lol'zz
credit where it is due though:
the annoying (and only tactic that worked) was to wait until TEAM nobled out an account, then mass attack it.. *insert very poor & extremely slow clap here*
extra credit:
bravo for managing too' (and i use this word loosely) ''diplomatically'' own the ground you do. all's fair in
''love @ W~A~R''
Not sure if it's going to matter,,, as now only REAL warriors that have a solid camaraderie, combined with ''committed'' and ''focused'' leaders will end this cupcake parade,, and i must say the level of commitment and skill at -TV- is
biblical imo.. with the return of some hardcore OG's who's eye's are on the prize, i can only say that -TV- will be the saviour of UK2's legacy, ensurring it is remembered for the EPIC war and not the shady circumstances behind every door, the back stabbing diplomacy, the unmentionable unmentionables.. and the endless other comical blunders i could rattle on about for pages and pages.. yadda yadda.. BOOOT lol'zzz
tina and her minion's sure have done a fantastic job, i can only marvel at the time these guys have put in. ''I SALUTE''
now im sure someone will reply with something very suspenseful, but i have no doubt you will all leave here looking like a cyclone hit you.. mum always said ''never mince your words''.. sorry if i appear aggressive or whatever, i can assure you, not a single word was typed without a friendly smile on my dial....
my jaw dropped at the 3 sec FAILURE train i seen yesterday bahahaha.. i actually lol'd, and out came the big toe for the snipe bahaha. keep up the outstanding work who ever that was, MOST IMPRESSIVE. skill like that deserves the world win for shizzle.