[GUIDE] How many nukes for a particular defence?


hiya folks,

I found ->THIS<- on US externals and thought this was utterly helpful. Thus I decided to do my own list and check them data whether they are correct or not as the origin author seems to have messed up the sword/hcav def simulation. As I do not want to sign up on US externals in order to post my results over there I thought about sharing it with UK folks here!

however, this is my list on 'how many nukes for a particular defence'- simulation.
Please note the simulation parameter I was using for this (which have been done on w93.DE btw), the results may differ on worlds with simple research or 15-techs, paladin items activated and such.

the simulation contains information on how many nukes are needed to:

  • scratch the wall (= no wall movement)
  • remove wall completely (=wall to level 0)
  • wipe all residing units (= villa completely clean)

no restrictions on copying, saving and sharing!

Standard defence

simulation parameter

Luck: 0%
Paladin: no paladin and no items activated
Techs: classic research (10 techs, no powerful Heavy Cavalry)
Nightbonus: off
Morale: 100%
Attacking force: :axemen:6000 :lightcavalry:3200 :ram:300

defence information

:farm: 20.000 population space
:barracks: rd. 46 days recruitment (speed 1)
:stable: - 0 days recruitment (speed 1)

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Heavy Cavalry defence
(quick def :spear:9.200|:heavycavalry:1.900)

simulation parameter

Luck: 0%
Paladin: no paladin and no items activated
Techs: classic research (10 techs, no powerful Heavy Cavalry)
Nightbonus: off
Morale: 100%
Attacking force: :axemen:6000 :lightcavalry:3200 :ram:300

defence information

:farm: 20.600 population space
:barracks: - rd. 16 days 22 hrs recruitment (speed 1)
:stable: - rd. 16 days 12 hrs recruitment (speed 1)

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residing troops after wall movement level 20 -> x

now this is a bit tricky to understand at first view, though very simple and helpful in some occasions.
this table shows the range of how many units still reside in the villa after the wall has been dumped from level 20 onto level x.

example: your first nuke hits and downgrades the wall level from 20 onto 17; thus :spear:17k|:swordsman:17k to :spear:14k|:swordsman:14k may still reside in the attacked village.

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