Guides Megathread


Below is an up to date list of some of the more useful guides so you don't have to search through everything. There's some decent tactics and techniques so they're worth a read. I've included the name of the guide, the author and a quick description. If I have credited the wrong author please say and I'll edit it :) Also if you'd like a guide added post it below.


The Complete TW Dictionary - Agent Incognito - Contains most terms used by TW players

Basics You Should Know - JAMM - A nice guide to the basics of TW, useful for any player.

The Paladin Weapon Chamber - Thargoran - Lists all the paladin weapons and their effects

Opera T Method - Just to use the forums - This is an excellent way to send a very fast noble train (in milliseconds)

Bal0ns' Replacement for Experience - bal0ns - A (in progress) guide to all aspects of TW, excellent for improving your game

BCB's Guide to Leading - BlackChaosBelow - An in depth guide discussing how best to lead a tribe

Guide To Forum Reputation - Adellion - Explains how the forum reputation system works

Startup Guide - Nauzhror - Contains a guide of build orders for startup and other useful advice

Doom's Guide To War - doomdealer666 (me!) - Contains a variety of war tactics

Speed Startup - Arthur Pendragon. - Some useful tips for speed rounds

Marking Groups On The Map - cheesasaurus - Tells you how to mark your villages as part of a specific group on the map

Bookmark Farming - ??anon?? - A simple method to make farming quicker

Lightning Startup - Almost Easy - Another option for startup build orders

Monty's Leading Guide - MontyPython - All the information you need to be a decent tribe leader

Village Setup - TW Wiki - It has village build and troop build suggestions for offensive and defensive villages.

Non Premium Noble Sniping - Noel Gallagher - A guide explaining how to snipe a nobletrain without premium

Packet System Guide - Reduaram - Explains how the packet system works and includes some tactics

KillerGorilla's Startup Guide - KillerGorilla - An alternative way of playing startup

The Guide To The Paladin - Two-Face - A basic guide to how to use a paladin

Tables For Cats And Rams
- Triumphant1 - Tells you how many cats or rams you need to knock levels off walls or buildings

Church Guide - Tillyboy - Fully explains everything you need to know about churches

The BH Leadership Guide - Bloodhood - Another guide that offers tips on leading a tribe

The Art Of Backtiming - TehBigBangTheory - An explanation of how to defend using offence

Sniping 101 - BusinessTime - How to defend a village with a small number of troops

Map Making Guides - Einstein - How to make a professional looking world map

If you find any of these guides above useful or interesting then rep the author as way of thanks.
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