Hell Dogs


As some of you may know I love reading on other tribes profiles what to do to start a war as find this very helpful as otherwise would have to play Sim city as would never know what to do!

Here is linky thing


So imagine my delight when I found the tribe of bloodcurdling, fear inducing doggies of the underworld here on W3! Yikes and they were so close to my cookies and we all know dogs just love their scoobie snacks!

Anyway so in fear and trepidation I watched their growth and then oh my one of their members attacked us!?

The doggies had been released. So heart in mouth I opened negotiations and found them actually wanting an alliance or a NAP? Most odd as other folk just mail but maybe the attack and then sorry was a mistake we had you marked down as enemies on the map as loved the colour method would catch on?! Maybe not...

Still like to chat so asked why a NAP or an alliance would work ho hum and not really got the right replies so thought
that we would find out for ourselves what the drool drippers could do.

Alas this meant we had to rim one of their members (really very sorry about that) but we have taken a village and do say for all to hear "Come fearsome hounds of hell who (allegedly) says that one bite could kill. You work as a pack and I I am all alone draped in cookies and with a L2 wall at the mo as my co Duke removed it for me as building patio so come take your village back! The next bit on your profile refers to kicking booty and working together! Show me I say (second
bit please as hate to bruise)

Your allies are strong well bring them too! Cookies for all and will do vol au vents on request!

Um Acts of War?
Attacking a member of our tribe. Check.
Scouting a member of our tribe. Um no but can if needed. Let me know and binky will pop over for a looksie
Inviting members of our tribe. Alas this my be problematic but if you promise not to accept party invite can send?
Sending abusive or threatening mail to any member. Um no so ok "Um you drool on the carpet and need a wash and think
you have fleas?" Can do more but there you go

C'mon Really Scary Fiendish Dogs. Have your village now fetch!

P.S. Is no to Nap/Alliance.


A 15 million point tribe vs a 1 million point tribe? Not sure that really warrants a declaration of war.


A 15 million point tribe vs a 1 million point tribe? Not sure that really warrants a declaration of war.

You are right. Isn't a real declaration of war or would have said TFF have had enough or some such as seems to be the way nowadays.

Is just some fun to see if they can get their village back and to brighten up these forums.