HOW TO BE THE BEST: Merges, Internals and Abandoneds


As someone who shares CF's views on TW these days and having played my fair share of speed aswell I can say speed doesn't help with that - you just play for a few weeks or months and then get bored like a normal world



i blame your mother hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lol glad your back well least on the forums
i know off topic sorry guys
speed is great but and this may sound stupid but not worth playing speed unless you can be on for the full duration or else your never going to stand a chance,
i for one love a world that takes years others dont they only like the first 6 months then quit which is fine,
dont ever blame anyone for quitting for whatever reason :}


hi furry! good to see you still posting on here and I agree folks should never be berated for quitting (but sometimes how they quit I think!)