Italian Speed Tournament


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For quite some time we have barely seen any initiatives related to speed, and we believe speeds can be one of the most interesting and fun ways of playing.
For these and many other reasons, we have been planning to organize an inter-server speed tournament, and here are we now, asking for your participation and support in initiatives like these, so that we don't let speed become a forgotten mode, as there is still so much we can do with it.
This tournament has the objective of being competitive, and so it obviously requires the players to have some previous experience in speed worlds. If it has success and is supported we will surely consider "opening up" the game a bit more, by making tournaments in a more welcoming format for more inexperienced players.
Below you'll be able to find the rules and the format of the tournament.


The teams will be composed of maximum 8 players (5 players, 3 reserves), as for now it does not seem possible to gather many more than that. To register your team go to the registrations chat in the tribals discord server, you can find the invitelink in one of the rules below, and please indicate the names of the members of the team. The registrations finish in the 10th of September. There will be rounds with the tournament settings most of the days until the deadline of the registrations, so you can practice. Once the registrations are finally ended and all the teams are known, we will define the format 100% and come up with a chedule. The tournament will begin in the 13th of September. Ideally, the format is going to be a bracket-based tournament by using challonge. If the number of teams is smaller than expected, we might make the tournament in a system of groups. Everyone is invited to join the Tribals Discord Server (or at least one representative of each team), as it is going to be the main hub for the tournament. To join it, you can click here. When the matches are defined, a private chat will be open with the captains of each team. In that chat the captains will decide on a time for their round to be played on, and they have a limit of 3 days to do so. If they fail do to this within 3 days, a round will be scheduled at a default time (probably from 20:30 to 23:00 or something similar), because we don't want the tournament to go on forever. Premium functions will be gifted for this special occasion, so you don't have to worry about having premium or not. However, we advise you to get some premium points from the new world that will open in the 7th of September, or just by winning rounds as we premium prizes daily (like this you can set up your fast access bar before if you haven't yet). The rounds will follow this model of settings (if you are already used to the competitive side of speeds, its an adaptation of the 2020 10v10 settings for a reduced amount of players in the round)
Startlevel: n1 with HQ and warehouse lvl 1 Winning condition : Tribe with most points Resource production : x1.2 (value 36) Round duration : 2h30min Speed : 360 Unit speed : 0.6 Moral : no Paladin : no Tribe : 5 members, the players are allowed to leave the tribe in case they join the incorrect one by mistake (in competitive rounds players don't want to waste much time making the tribe, so they use the setting of "everyone can join" in the tribe and players can join the wrong tribe by mistake if they click on the wrong tribe) Archers : no Barbarians / player : 9 Bonus / player : 3 Fake limit : 1% Farm limit : - Beginner protection : 20 minutes Barbarian growth : 0.7 Coin price : normal Loyalty / noble : 25 Conquering barbarians : possible Nobles can travel the entire map Academy : Gold coin system Research system : Normal Distance between villages : reduced You can restart and choose the restarting position. You can freely send resources to your tribemates.
The only allowed scripts are the ones authorized on .net and on .it. If you use illegal tools your team may be excluded from the tournament, so please, play legally, there is no reason not to. The matches can be streamed in the discord server, and we encourage you to do so because it shows people how the tournament works and can make it so players gain even more interest for speeds (its not mandatory, though).


At the end of the tournament, these will be the prizes awarded to the best teams, we all know no one plays speed for the prizes but we still wanted to give you something regardless.
First place : 250PP / Player Second place : 100PP / player Third place : 50PP / Player We wait for your registration!
Il Team di Tribals