K55 Recruitment


Heya guys and gals

So me and my co-player have been playing in the uk server for a few days and we joined a nooby tribe in K55, it started bad but we gave them advice to become a better tribe and have 'refurbed' the tribe as much as possible.

Now its their choice what they do with the tribe but on second looks and seeing the map of locations of players there isnt much even the best players can do as this continent as we all know is run by the rank 2 tribe WKD and the players haven't been recruited to a location but more all over the world.

So we are now looking for a new home and one we can actually call home, being very loyal players we stay at a tribe till the very end and help out as much as possible, the only problem being now is that from the size we are, actually being accepted into a tribe of decent reputation will be hard.

So this thread isn't a sell ourself thread but more of a request to hear what others have in opinions about this, my idea is to wait it out till we grow a little more and possibly make a couple ennoblements and make a name for ourself and then find a tribe willing to take us or does anyone have any better ideas?


I'm having the same problem myself mate i just restarted in K64, as I was in K34 but I couldn't find a tribe :icon_razz:


Yeh it does suck but its the same all over, until you make a name for yourself or are known from the past you wont get into a decent tribe that you can stay in for a good period of time, keep looking though bud and i hope you have a better start to the game this time around :)


Yeh i found an old friend from the .net server has created a tribe so have joined him, its on the rim where i am and small but experienced so its worked out also, we will see what the future brings :)


cool, well good luck to you bud I hope you noble a load of villages :D