Left Nut


Hello everyone!

Since the forum is dead, let me entertain you with a post.

Some of you know me by now, I am Exsedor currently leading ~SR~ on w25&w27... I been playing on .net since world 8 under many usernames, have played with some of you guys there before ;) not going to name anyone in particular (Goodwins).

Some of you might already know this story as its a few month old (but to this day the bet was never fulfilled) so here we go->

I came here to write a post as I believe there are some dishonest players in COR with bad manners who don't to keep their words (Jack Luck) on the bets they make.

The story goes: One day Jack decided to bet his left nut on the fact that my council (dotty) never sat Goodwins to launch attacks on him. He was so sure that HORNY would never trust us and turn on us any moment that he said there was a date planned for us :)

In any case, I take my bets rather seriously a specially when there is a left nut on the line, so I decided to ask goodwins to send him a screen shot of who sat his account in the last few days. He was more then happy to provide me the information (as I am sure he wanted to win the nut) :).

I wish I had full conversation saved for you all to see and judge for yourself... no one pulled jack's tongue to bet on it.

What I do have for you is a more recent conversation where I am asking him when will he send me his nut:


As you can see, he isn't really a man of his word now is he? I told this story to some of my RL friends over a few drinks and they pointed out a few problems like: How will you know its his left and not right nut? also maybe the reason he isn't up for it is because the postage fees and so on?
So we decided to take the conversation further and even provided him a link to testicle removal page:


In the end after all the things we did for the guy he isn't willing to uphold his bet. Don't know about you guys, but a person who doesn't keep his word, cannot be trusted in my eyes :) and then COR wonders why we dont want to ally with them?

At the end of the day, this provided a rather good amount of entertainment to all of us


I hope you all enjoyed the read, and I hope we can maybe see this bet through jack? or the interest rate will add your right one to the bet as well :)

Morale of the story ladies and gents: If you going to bet a left nut... make sure you keep a spare one lying around.

P.S. Its not nice to keep me waiting on the date jack! I really hope you can get yourself together and make this date happen :) Or is this another word you not intending on keeping?

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Funny..... I BET (LOL) He will never give you his left nut!