Login names


If he was here first, he gets it. This is not .Net. Although I'd admit, if Someone chose Extra-Extra, I'd be a little pissed as it is my forum name, but not something I'd make a fuss about. I think you should just spam his inbox and attack him as much as possible.


While I am sure it would be great if we could change some names of people that had their names stolen, it isnt feasible as mentioned in this thread due to other people then demanding it.

On a funnier note, I noticed several days back that somebody attempted to steal my w33 account name for this server. I know it was an attempt since they went through the effort of copying part of my profile over as well. The funniest part was that they spelled it wrong. I laughed real hard and then went and registered the name :D

Isn't there a guy called predator playing W1 He has pretty much ripped off your name ...


Isn't there a guy called predator playing W1 He has pretty much ripped off your name ...

Yeah...they totally ripped of his name. its like john and johnathon, Obiously john is ripping off johnathons name! 0.o