[th]This thread is for maps (top players/tribes/ODA etc.) of UK2 only. Please contact a moderator to unlock the thread so you could post your map here. [/th]
As no one else has, I'd like to post teh uberest maps here. Sticky pl0x?
Don't hesitate to contact me by PM or in game if there's something wrong.
But I don't update the maps, direct all complaints about them to jagwar:lol:
And this is also a chance for some free publicity for you and your tribe,
so I will be hiring out advertising space here for your tribe or self for 1 PP
per normal sized pic/advertisement (to the mods: I'm joking :icon_wink To everyone else, I'm not
And I'd like to put it on the record that Shots is the best tribe and I am
the best player in UK2, and no one can say otherwise because I haz a sticky :icon_biggrin: