

Partially correct imo.
I find 20-35 the most relaxed players. 35-50 tend to be quite short tempered and 50 onwards are usually extreme hot heads.
But then if we go to <20..
up to 15 tend to be basically bi-polar, all about their own attention (take me as an example on UK8 I was just an awful character for the most part).
15-17 tend to be a bit more relaxed but again very bi-polar.
18-20 are usually maturing and quite calm and collective.

That's what I have found anyway from my history on this game.
I've had 13 year olds threaten to kill my mother, I've had 27 year olds who I just cannot make angry and then I've had the 55 year olds who say they were in hospital when I rimmed them and start to insult me on a whole new level!

haha you should become the new DR.Phill