Moral situation.


At the moment, I would say that they will be left open so that people may continue the discussion later on down the road, maybe they'll have a different answer? I've asked Thar though, since we're only supposed to do light modding here.

Edit: We'll leave them open incase people have further comment on them, do not spam the threads though. These threads are strictly for discussions.
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This will be the same as all forums. They will remain open. Eventually they will just die as no one posts anything here, and newer threads push it down to the next page.

The only thing different about this forum to others is that it is somewhat exclusive.


There are plenty of flies around. I'm sure the spider could find plenty more flies.


My thinking...

We have been around as a species for..... some time :p

but there were flys and spiders before us. they were fine on our own. if we meddled it wouldn't work.

and i agree with kriegselend (is that right?) and we should only fix what we made,
what i would do in this situation would be to get another spider, put it on the web and let them fight for the fly. But i'm just a mean person.


I agree with the final decision you made... The spider needs food, the fly is the spider's food.

Plus when flies get caught up in your window shades, they make quite an annoying noise :icon_sad:


which is why evolotion gave us the fly swatter 0_o
Even better; the electric fly-swat. I would regularly be killing 30 wasps per day with ours in August. Stoopid apple-tree in our garden, and wasps nest in an un-determined location somewhere near my house.


Only thing worse than spiders is wasps thats for sure.


Even better; the electric fly-swat. I would regularly be killing 30 wasps per day with ours in August. Stoopid apple-tree in our garden, and wasps nest in an un-determined location somewhere near my house.
Beat this:
Spiders (an army of them)
Occasional frogs and birds that our cat brings home.
Oh, and a flower that I accidentally hit the electric fly swat. (It got in the way of my swing)
I usually drown the woodlice, but it's fun hitting them with the electric fly swat because they make the biggest bang.


God you lot are animals...

If we were animals, we wouldn't be eating delicious stake and hamburgers. The animals are the one that ignore their evolutionary development by not eating meat, and thus can be considered a few million years behind the evolutionary timeline, AKA chimpanzees(or at least ones that dont eat meat).