My official good bye Tribal Wars Thread!


Oh, if anyone plays Star Craft II, my battlenet ID is "Arikos", look me up and lets play a few games.



All the best Ach...good luck with the job. Can you take ferret with you?


aww whom shall I talk to ingame from now on? :( farewell acheron/ferret


is this the best goodbye thread ever? I mean you post here saying Goodbye for ever then almost immediately return to say oh by the way this is my contact for something else :icon_confused:

Is like the polar explorer saying their goodbyes to a crowd of well wishers and family before departing to the frozen wastes making the big exit then sneaking back 5 minutes later as they forgot their bobble hat?

Anyways goodbye AcheronOne and may you learn what the edit post button does (it will amaze and astound you I promise).


keep cool Jo.
If you knew what nutters are asking their crappy stuff on ingame-related question forum on .de externals you'd loose patience after like 10 seconds. You'd love them to use the edit button, however, though you're just happy them reading the FAQ page first prior asking their questions. Just see Acheron being one of these lil kiddies who posted up on externals their very first time. Makes things way easier Jo I promise!