New new Forum Admin


Hello UK,

Pleased to make your acquaintance. It appears that I will be serving as your Forum Administrator - big shoes to fill! Breaking with what appears to be a forum admin tradition, I'm only a mediocre player - if that - though I've been around on TribalWars in one form or another since late '06. After various failed applications over the years, my moderation career started in January '09 on .NET - a twisting path which as you can see eventually brought me here. Among other things, I am the Community Manager on the TribalWars Beta, and an Elder moderator on the .NET forums.

I go by the name of Robert in real life and mostly by Typhi on the internet. You are however completely free to refer to me however you want as long as it's not something so hopelessly vague I have no chance of knowing who you're talking to, ie. "cabbage"'. I'm a great believer in todo lists and the nutritional value of a diet consisting for the majority of only toast.

Robert (Typhi)

P.S. If anyone fancies a chat, my Skype is thisnameistoolon, and otherwise you can just hit my forum inbox.

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