Next No/Limi hauls (UK OR .NET)


The world has seen many tribes rise and fall from the beginning of time. The prophecy on this occasion had warned the world that the Riot! was coming. It unfortunately fell on deaf ears and was subsequently ignored. This story begins as the world sets for the 75st time. I shall start the story with a quote from the Riot! starter.

"We all know too well the coupé d'etat in the southern Mediterranean, the riots in London and in Vancouver, the protests in New York and the countless demonstrations in the soon-to-be-bankrupt Europe are just the beginning." – SF

As it happened...
As the prophecy foretold, the Riot! spread across the world, destroying tribes and villages. Inexplicably, however, looting was limited by complex algorithms, and tightly controlled by faceless authorities. The oppressed citizens of Noodle nation were heavily influenced by the Riot, and the rest quickly realised that the end was near. Anarchy erupted in the west and people began to turn against the state. The Riots started to grow larger.

Pictured: Two men participating in the Riot!s of 61.


The Rioters attracted the worst of the worst. The leaders who began the Riot! forgot that anyone could join in. All it took was a group of people and some stones. Sam and his extended Gians family joined in. However being so poorly educated, many of the new comers to the Riot! started to cause more harm than good to the cause. Some even started attacking people on their own side. The leaders of the Riot! soon realised the mistake they had made and, fearing backlash, disappeared. Catastrophic damage had now been caused, and was irreversible.

Two vigilantes originating from the Riots had a separate mission - destroying the super power of the East. The east was a deep dark place at this time and not many people ventured from the west across and survived. Originally the East was set up by a disgruntled man. The leader of East went missing under mysterious circumstances. Shortly thereafter, a new leader with six toes laid foundations for a new superpower in the east. This primitive tribe was to be known as Impact. This leader immediately delved into the developing of illicit nuclear weapons. However, the faceless authorities quickly intervened, and those involved were banished.

Impact was now on the brink of utter chaos. The Riots had started developing anew. East of the border, vigilantes had successfully infiltrated the nuclear plant. The leader of six toes was banished, and new leaders took charge. Unfortunately the vigilantes managed to detonate a bomb in the Nuke plant. The explosion was so large it could be seen right across the world. The plant was situated right in the core of Impact civilisation. The radiation poisoned the air, and shortly thereafter, the Zombie apocalypse began. The vigilantes, whose sole purpose was to destroy Impact, disappeared, victorious.

Pictured: The bomb seconds before detonation.


The Zombies, however, began to invade the rest of the world. Hate groups of the old Noodle empire focused their efforts on punishing the Rioters for all they had done. A small group who survived the mutation decided to have fun with the Zombies and mock them, attack them and even PLAY with them. The strongest regiment of these initial survivors were exposed, bitten and in turn joined the Zombies. Eventually, the Zombies consumed the world. If you haven't already guessed, we'll be joining the next no/limited haul world.

If you didn’t play W61 or weren’t a religious follower of the forums you probably won’t understand what is being said above. On the plus side all of the important information regarding the Climax premade starts now.


Name: Whew!
Tag: Climax

Motto: Tribe>Yourself>Everyone else.

About Almurph
I’ve played countless worlds. I began playing on w19 but my main worlds to date are 57, 61 and 65. I’ve been part of many very successful tribes and I’ve learned from them and now I’m going on to start my second premade. This tribe will have a different outlook than any tribe I’ve lead before. There will be a strong emphasis on team work and tribe bonding to ensure overall cohesion. There is also a completely new council involved who you will get to meet at interview stages. This means new tribe rules, new ways of doing things and much more strict recruitment. Any former tribemates/friends make sure to get in contact.

It will be selective and interview based. We’re looking for fun people to be around. Bad attitudes will not be tolerated. It’s all pretty much common sense.

I’d also be interested in speaking with any scripters, bloggers, map makers, mods, graphic designers or anyone else who can aid the tribe in any way.

Preliminary Member list*
Dezire HD.
BFaB (Baz)
Uncommon Valor.
Darkness Jordan
Muffy boom
Lucaya (Matthew)

If you have any questions at all you can contact; yccmatw on Skype. Thanks!
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Hey Murph is this gonna be just a start up exercise for you again? :lol: