Noblemen Quick


What is the quickest way to get a noblemen ..

From starting the world to getting first noblemen .. What do I do ..


Depends on a lot of factors. How active, how much farming, how many farms, how big of a loot, what troops you have, how the active players in your area act, pretty much everything.

I strongly suggest against Noble rushing though. Your first village must be stable and you must be prepared to support your second village.


If you only build the required buildings it'll take forever due to little resource income. And as I said, the resource income depends on your activity and surroundings, which then affects what buildings should be built.


what 2F said is true, t1, I have to disagree. The Hq levels change depending on the strategy, and some work best with 21-22 whilst I saw one that actually used a l29 HQ, and they all have times equal down to hours, though some have better infrastructure than others.


I, personally, use HQ at 21 level. Then I bring my Barracks to 20 and the prerequisites for the Academy. My mines are somewhere between 20 and 25, with no Workshop and a 15 level Stable. And I'm doing just fine in my neighborhood :D


Whats the rules when it comes to speed of launching nobles . ie in milliseconds. If i was really fast whats the shortest time i could get between them .


Whats the rules when it comes to speed of launching nobles . ie in milliseconds. If i was really fast whats the shortest time i could get between them .

Probably around ~8 MS is the best you can get.


Whats the rules when it comes to speed of launching nobles . ie in milliseconds. If i was really fast whats the shortest time i could get between them .

In theory, ou could have them all land in teh same ms, but you'd need epic lag...


[clt]I gots .008 ms whoop :icon_biggrin:[/clt]
How does that look on this scale. Cant work out what percentage these are , are they all in the same ms starting with 8 and is this possible or is someone winding me up .

Dec 20, 2009 01:09:43:835
Dec 20, 2009 01:09:43:840
Dec 20, 2009 01:09:43:845
Dec 20, 2009 01:09:43:857


Well-Known Member
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I, personally, use HQ at 21 level. Then I bring my Barracks to 20 and the prerequisites for the Academy. My mines are somewhere between 20 and 25, with no Workshop and a 15 level Stable. And I'm doing just fine in my neighborhood :D

The no workshop part is seriously a mistake. You absolutely need rams when nobling. Losing 2-3 times as much offense as you would have had you sent rams when clearing your noble target is beyond foolhardy.

Whats the rules when it comes to speed of launching nobles . ie in milliseconds. If i was really fast whats the shortest time i could get between them .

No ruling, they can be as fast as you can send them. There is only a limitation on the speed of noble traisn on .net.


the key is FLF Farm like F.... get light cav as soon as you can and just farm farm farm and get more lights, you should be farming your... 13x13 at least clear all your surrounding players straight away as soon as beginner protection is off clear your farms leaving a couple to develop attack them with a small force let them turtle you will see why later in game

the more troops u get at the start the faster you will develop you can get a noble in 3 weeks... on most worlds its 4 weeks until villages start being nobled