During the days of world 7 I was not yet playing tw, so I am not sure as to how the world played out, but from what I understand of it KnK dominated the world from mid game till the end. They did this by nobling their enemies, not recruiting them! They one by skill and teamwork, not by mind games.
But on world 12 I have been around since day 1. And initially was impressed by LoL, quickly FAF climbed to the top of the rankings and secured a considerable lead, still LoL impressed me. But as wars were declared, then as they progressed I began to lose this respect and awe I had for LoL, don't get me wrong I still respect them after all they have got incredible war stats, losing it as they recruited players in order to surround Addicts/Dogs. In doing this we first witnessed LoL recruiting someone from the enemy in order to gain ground, Rassilon.
Now their tactics really do confuse me, yes what they have done will help them in the war but why? Why change tactics so dramatically from world 7? Are FAF to good for fair play?
LoL have now recruited 3 members of FAF, why not just noble them? And how much intel were they passing on before joining? How do you expect a decent op when you have access to so much intel?
More recently Nitrogen sent everyone in FAF this mail;
LoL now openly admit to attempting to poach more of our members, let them, they take the weak and leave the strong!
Here Nitrogen shows no respect for his opponent, what does this achieve?
Gotcha's tribe may not be first, but neither are we using such underhand tactics.
By sending the mail Nitrogen obviously wants to disrupt FAF further, why not fight us properly, without the mind games?
So I ask everyone in LoL, is this how you want to win?
But on world 12 I have been around since day 1. And initially was impressed by LoL, quickly FAF climbed to the top of the rankings and secured a considerable lead, still LoL impressed me. But as wars were declared, then as they progressed I began to lose this respect and awe I had for LoL, don't get me wrong I still respect them after all they have got incredible war stats, losing it as they recruited players in order to surround Addicts/Dogs. In doing this we first witnessed LoL recruiting someone from the enemy in order to gain ground, Rassilon.
Now their tactics really do confuse me, yes what they have done will help them in the war but why? Why change tactics so dramatically from world 7? Are FAF to good for fair play?
LoL have now recruited 3 members of FAF, why not just noble them? And how much intel were they passing on before joining? How do you expect a decent op when you have access to so much intel?
More recently Nitrogen sent everyone in FAF this mail;
Nitrogen Sep 13,2012 11:25
Dear [ally]FAF[/ally] members,
I feel that I should clarify some misunderstandings
Firstly, [player]drakul[/player] has never been a spy for us, and has never been asked to spy. His decision to send me a mail last night was out of the blue, though welcomed of course.
However, the mail forwarded from Powermunger to you all looks very much like a frame to make it look worse than it was. So be careful of what your leadership will do to keep you under control.
Who can blame the guy for being angry - with the shocking leadership you have! (even if it is his brother!!). Respect to Paddy, he's trying hard... but someone needs to unshackle the potential some of you have!
Still, onwards and upwards!
On a final note, several of you have already requested interviews to join us. Those that have been successful will be joining us in the next week, so it would be greatly appreciated if you could call urgently for support on forum so that once you've joined the area behind you is devoid of defense troops which are tucked neatly in your villages.
We will make sure that we fake you to make it look realistic, don't worry!
Good luck to the rest of you and i'm sure we'll all meet on the battlefield before long.
[ally]LoL[/ally] - Co-Duke
aka - Pogue Mahone - KnK Co-Duke - W7 Winning Tribe
LoL now openly admit to attempting to poach more of our members, let them, they take the weak and leave the strong!
Here Nitrogen shows no respect for his opponent, what does this achieve?
Gotcha's tribe may not be first, but neither are we using such underhand tactics.
By sending the mail Nitrogen obviously wants to disrupt FAF further, why not fight us properly, without the mind games?
So I ask everyone in LoL, is this how you want to win?