Points: 9/10
ODA: 9/10 - loving the oda, a tad jealous :icon_rolleyes:
ODD: 5/10 - Better than mine, but for your size not really tested. Or at least not this late on.
Position: 6/10
Reputation: 8/10
Tribe: 9/10 - Have to say, respect ALO. Will be interesting to see if they join the war, if so, which side? :lol:
Total: 46/60
Rate ukAlex08.
Points: 9/10
ODA: 9/10 - loving the oda, a tad jealous :icon_rolleyes:
ODD: 5/10 - Better than mine, but for your size not really tested. Or at least not this late on.
Position: 6/10
Reputation: 8/10
Tribe: 9/10 - Have to say, respect ALO. Will be interesting to see if they join the war, if so, which side? :lol:
Total: 46/60
Rate ukAlex08.