rank: 9/10 - just out of top 20 and started later than most of them (i think)
OD: 8/10 - overall a bit below your rank, but oda is only 9 away
Tribe: 8/10 - done good against C~C, though i think you could do with some of your members to present themselves better than they do
rep: 8/10 - seem to be posting often
Overall: 33/40
Ryansquid (asob)
rank: 8/10 - just in top 40
OD: 8/10 - overall a fair bit below your rank, but oda is only 2 ranks below
Tribe: 9/10 - great tribe but would like to see them do more in the open as i know virtus get things done just quick and quietly
rep: 9/10 - have seen you around a lot and you have made some good posts
Overall: 34/40