Say No to Discrimination!


Calling all TW players!

I am new to this scavenging malarky but I kind of like it BUT it has occured to me that certain TW units are being discriminated against. I know right! We live in age of equal opportunities for all but this is something that Inno is refusing to accept.

I can scavenge with the humble spearman and I can ratch around the bins with a swordsperson (see what I did there huh) and I can scavenge to my hearts content with my cavalry and my axe persons but when I see an almost perfect clay/wood/iron carrying receptacle such as oh I don't know a ram or a cat then Inno says no.

Shame I say Shame!

I mean how would you feel if you were built to knock down walls and then saw all the other units scampering around crying out "what larks!" and making your village owner smile as they came back laden with with booty and you were forced to stay at home as not allowed to frolic with your other units. Would you feel unloved?! Would you think that spearperson got the job of scavenger in chief just because you had wheels and rattled a tad when you moved?

Would it occur to you that the real reason that your village owner only built 219 of you was that you were a bit unwanted and that you were never going to get the nice jobs like being allowed to conquer a village. Damn straight that's what you'd feel.

Forced to skulk in the village as the others went out everyday feeling like a second class unit. Well I say NO MORE! All units should have equal opportunities and I think as TW players we should say to INNO that all units should have scavenging rights and that rams and cats should be able to sleep at night knowing they were loved and respected just the same as other units.

All who agree please sign underneath and together we shall end this travesty!

Nods (oh and scouts!)


Hear Hear, im in full agreement Jo, it's down right disgraceful that our inno mods have resfused to give our fellow cat, ram an scouts the basic human rights of becoming a somebody, in this modern day era you would think the overlords would allow them the rights to die an scavange in equal terms alongside their borthers that have been conscripted in the army and cavalery divisons especially after these last 15 years of war of loyal servitude!

I hear by Demand Justice for our under appricatted ram, cat and scout underlings. No more to Injustice!


"All units should have equal opportunities and I think as TW players we should say to INNO that all units should have scavenging rights and that rams and cats should be able to sleep at night knowing they were loved and respected just the same as other units."

But but but, if Inno changed this then the cats and rams would have to WORK all night long in most villages ... my poor axemen, swordsmen and spearmen hardly get a moments peace and I assure very few of them on this world (or any other) get time and a half for all that extra effort.

Two wrongs don't make a right and just because the axe, swords and spears and overworked and underpaid doesn't mean that it's right! Trust a woman to come up with the idea that those hard working guys who push the cats and rams around all day will thank her for making more work for them to do!

I say abolish scavenging and let's go back to the good old days when everybody could get a good night's sleep on the UK server.