

I disagree, most of both of their posts are just one line answers, whereas mine on the other hand are not ;)
And mine on the other hand, they are just trying to stir up some trouble:lol:


I was going to submit both, but I do not have permission.


When did you mail him?
If you cant get through to him i might, but he doesnt like pm's, or talking about stuff:lol:


Well wait for another day, he may not be online yet.
Other wise i will have to make another one :p

Search for scout report evaluator and you should find the old thread, then you will have to sift through all those pages and find k9's in there somewhere, but Slowtarget's is better;)


SlowTarget said:
Einstein. said:
SlowTarget said:
Einstein. said:
May I have permission to submit your scripts o the ,uk server? With full credit given too you?

Why not? Not like I am stealing your idea? Fluffy told me to ask you, we are trying to get a good scout report evaluator approved.

lol, just no.

I have already submitted them - and my sort script is already in the sticky.

Sorry Einstein, I was just mucking about. My scripts get used on tonnes of servers - greek russian portugese, even the german ones, and noone has asked permission before. Tracey had already posted my sort script in the sticky. Its not a problem.

I posted a question on the scripts forum about whether I could just post all mine in one post - or if I had to make one post for each. That was yesterday, and it still hasnt appeared... I guess they're not going to have any discussion on that forum at all. Kinda limits things, and gives us some idea of how scripts are going to go on this server.

I'd like to see

  • attack labeller
  • rally point script (send all but leave some)
  • mass recruit script - my latest one
  • mass village renamer - my one
  • report renamer - fluffys
  • market script
  • scout report evaluator
  • sequential fake/farming script

all OK'd and in the sticky.

I wonder if we can just post links to the relevant bits on .net


Sorry Einstein, I was just mucking about. My scripts get used on tonnes of servers - greek russian portugese, even the german ones, and noone has asked permission before. Tracey had already posted my sort script in the sticky. Its not a problem.

I posted a question on the scripts forum about whether I could just post all mine in one post - or if I had to make one post for each. That was yesterday, and it still hasnt appeared... I guess they're not going to have any discussion on that forum at all. Kinda limits things, and gives us some idea of how scripts are going to go on this server.

I'd like to see

  • attack labeller
  • rally point script (send all but leave some)
  • mass recruit script - my latest one
  • mass village renamer - my one
  • report renamer - fluffys
  • market script
  • scout report evaluator
  • sequential fake/farming script

all OK'd and in the sticky.

I wonder if we can just post links to the relevant bits on .net
Really good to see you here finally:icon_biggrin:

It looks like they are going to be very strict with the scripts forum here, i also posted a thread and its not up yet either, plus i replied to one of the threads and my post was deleted then the forum was locked.
So no talking for us here:icon_cry:



There are plenty of other forums on the net. Some have far better code tags/ code sharing etc.

Funny way to run a forum though. Its not like scripts are static - they get improved all the time. said:
Forum: A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.
Last edited by a moderator:


The UK server will not follow the same script rules that .net employs. The major difference is that we are only allowing account management scripts. Scripts involving the rally point or that assist in sending attacks are not going to be allowed.

Examples of account management scripts:
Mass Recruit Scripts
Village Renamers
Report Renamers

So no scout report evaluator, and no farming scripts.

It also contradicts a game rule. With most rule changes, the rule is changed and then the forum post is made - its usually announced on the front page too.

The concept of 'allowing' scripts is also new. On .net a script may be 'approved' for publication on the forums - so that it can be more widely distributed. However any script that follows the game rules may be used, whether or not it has been approved.


I would like to see the form filling scripts allowed since they are some of the most useful, i.e. SRE and fill all troops into rally point, but also keep the same rule as .net where no clicking of the attack.


I agree farming scripts save me the trouble, I can usually do the math for the haul, but I cannot calculate the amount of resources being built up on the trip there.


I'm in favour of these rules.


I'm someone who struggles massively with scripts and using them. That might make me sound dumb, but I'm very sure I'm not alone. I've got to grips with them, but its the thing I've definitely found hardest to work out - especially when not all scripts work with all browsers. Script look very alien and intimidating to anyone who doesn't have the ability to write them, understand how they work (or don't work) or just doesn't want to get that in depth with the game and wants to play on a more casual level.

The problem with scripts is they massively widen the gap between the best players and the new players coming into the game. When you are still learning the basic concepts, to also have to learn about scripts is too much. Plus you have to know about scripts to be able to use them and the number of players who simply will never leave the In Game Window and go to the external forums is pretty high. Scripts are an advanced level of game play and one for the most hard core players only.

I hear the arguments about time etc, but I have to say that for the most part that this helps to level the playing field. If a better player has to spend more time managing his villages, thats less time for him to use planning the obliteration his smaller neighbour who he already has a distinct advantage over.

I wouldn't want them banned completely as there are certain ones of value that don't give other players a massive advantage. The only down side is that the illegal use of scripts is more likely to be common. You just got to hope the script monkeys are honest players.

I hope this post reflects a different perspective of how scripts affect .net in perhaps a negative manner.