Note: This post contains nothing but the truth to the best of my knowledge. It was written in good faith, and while some of the things I am going to say here will be considered contraversial - particularly by those still in ORC - I would ask that anyone wishing to respond them sit back and think about them a little before they do so.
I appear to have become the latest controversy on UK1, unsurprisingly, due to my jumping ship from ORC to W1N.
I'll be the first person to jump up and say that ORC was a great tribe (yeah, I've seen what my new tribe mates are writing, and I disagree... just because I switch tribes doesn't mean I'm going to change my mind on what I believe). I strongly believe that we really had a chance to be there at the end and make UK1 sit up and take notice. We were the first tribe who didn't simply crack and fold when W1N sent out their tribewide calling for members to apply for spots in their tribe as they were aiming for us next. We fought that fight and we fought it well - we were not defeated. ORC was a tribe I was proud to be a member of, regardless of what people said about it.
For a while though, I'd been left wondering what went wrong. It used to be that we worked together and talked all the time - I'm sure there must be some around who still remember the good times. Maybe I had a slightly different view of that than some other members, as I got on with the tribe leadership and was even one of them for a while. But then, slowly that slowed to a trickle. People stopped talking. People stopped participating. People were more inclined to hold their nukes even after promising to send them as part of a campaign. Things became secretive.
The problems with secrets, is that they - as the title of this says - breed suspicion. I was first suspicous when C-Rex encouraged me to get Rommelz to sit me when I was looking for a sitter - he wasn't in our tribe, for starters. And I don't believe we were even officially allied again at that point. The original player for Rommelz had, to the best of my knowledge at that point, disappeared. I asked who was playing the account and was told there was a new player but I didn't need to know who it was. I don't know about everyone else, but I'd prefer to know who is looking after my account. I asked why it was such a big secret - didn't she trust me? Weren't we friends? Hadn't I been in the tribe for well over a year and proven myself a loyal member? Why did it need to be a secret? The only reason I could think of was that there was cheating going on. Otherwise, what could possibly be the problem? I turned down the offer.
A niggling suspicion started at that point, but I pushed it down. Rexxie was my friend and my duke. There had to be a better explanation.
There were other things that had started to irritate me as well. Support pulled hours before attacks were landing with no notice of intent, so there was no chance to arrange for other support in there whether it be my own or that of others. Support with others that had been supposedly short term that, despite mail and skype requests about whether it could be pulled back to be sent elsewhere where it was needed, took over a week to be properly replied about. It seemed courtesy was going one way.
Some players seemed to get a lot more support than others, whether it be by troops or by words. If you spoke up and made a valid point and it countered something one of them had said, you would get jumped on. No one would explain why they thought you were wrong. They'd just say you were wrong, and the only reason you might think in such a way was because you hated another player within the tribe or some other similarly ludicrous non-reason.
There are lots of little stories about things like that. Internals right beside me given to others - for reasons that were annoying but seemed to make some sense until I had one of them have my sit for a short while and all of a sudden they were taking a lot of internals for my account. And not necessarily where I'd have wanted to take them. Lots of little stories and I've heard them from lots of ORCs.
And then I had separate accounts from other people confirm what I suspected about C-Rex and Rommelz - that both were being played by the same person. I was so disappointed. To see her writing in the skype about hating people who played multiple accounts or were spies - Rommelz was in LRAG - when I had separate accounts telling me that that was exactly what she herself was doing... the hypocracy stung. And that it was someone I had looked up to, as the Duke of my tribe, and as a friend, just made it worse.
Rommelz is not the last account to go through this metamorphasis to a new, secret player. Make of that what you will.
More stories continued to back up this new viewpoint of the tribe leadership, but again it was C-Rex who was most often the one pointed out as the culprit. Not the only one, but the main one. A lot of my friends had left, and more were leaving. Some left with good reason, but would not have left the way they did if it hadn't been for the way they'd been treated - both in game and outside. A lot of other people talked about leaving. Whether they all have or not, I can't say.
There was the password scandal, which led to three accounts being banned. I was only aware of two of these until yesterday. There are stories I could tell about this situation - but there are people who could be hurt by my doing so. And so those will remain with me and those who shared them. The official line is that they were unsolicited. The actual fact is they were very much solicited - and I'd go do far as to assume that any that they received unsolicited were only unsolicted because they were volunteered before they could be asked for, but usually this happened outside of the game to avoid being caught.
My options were thus:
Stay - impossible.
LRAG - I didn't know anyone in LRAG at the time, and my main knowledge of them was how ORC was screwed over in the past by their turning their back on our alliance. I've since heard a very interesting tale that paints that situation in a different light and if even a little of it is true points the blame squarely elsewhere - I'm going to assume I was told on trust and not share it here. It's a story for others to tell if they are so inclined. At the time however, I didn't trust them, and so they were also not an option. Plus Midgey is in there
Go on my own - I seriously considered this.
W1N - I'd had interest from W1N for a while. I knew Buchanan from his time in ORC, and while I'd felt hurt and betrayed when he left the tribe for W1N, we'd worked past that to become friends again. I had enouragement from other friends from ORC to take this path as well. So I did.
Of course, then things get complicated, as they always do. The Butchery formed. I'd already agreed to go to W1N by this point, so it was never an option. I think I'd have liked it though. C-Rex announced she was leaving a few days ago.
Unfortunately, that also was too late.
I've had quite a few accusations in the past day since I switched.
I've been told that I'm a traitor, a betrayer, a cheat, a liar, a hypocrit. I've been told I'm disloyal and that it's people like me who ruin the game. I've had accusations that the stats prove that I did not attack and defend enough and so I've always been a spy (seriously? What are you on, and can I have some... sounds like amazing stuff). Oh, and apparently I hacked and deleted an account I've only ever sat once. I hadn't even known there was a problem with it until they told me - after it went barb and I asked what happened! I've also had some messages indicating that people understand why I did what I did, and those I appreciate.
I understand that people are hurt and betrayed - I felt like that when Goats, Terminator and Buchanan left for W1N, so I really do understand. The point is, I was put in an impossible situation. How could I stay? To stay was to condone what was being done. To speak up was to be shouted down with a strong chance of being kicked and/or internalled. I have done my best to help others in the tribe - even up to the last moment.
I was a loyal member of ORC for a year and a half - how many others of you who level the accusations can claim as such? This was not something I did lightly. It wasn't easy, and I expect it will remain as such - particularly with the amount of incoming I have now! Amazing how they can't find a nuke to help you attack someone in an operation, but the second you switch sides they're all levelled at you!
So many situations could have been sorted out if the council had just talked to - not at, but to - the tribe. Been honest with the tribe. It was never really necessary for me to even be a spy during the time I was preparing my account for the switch over - not only were there already enough in there (I presume others who had problems with the tribe for reasons of their own) but ORC even managed to announce it's intentions loud and clear with the past few operations. I did not share everything I knew - I might have been done with ORC, but didn't mean I was going to be crass about about this all. I was not doing this to screw people over who had done nothing or knew nothing about the situation.
There's no need to have a spy if you give the game away yourself by bad planning and execution. But I can't see that being a problem much longer. ORC is merging into LRAG. Those who don't make the cut - and there are limited places - best of luck. Those who do, I hope that the leadership improves and learns how to communicate and trust again.
Secrecy breeds suspicion and paranoia. And that, unfortunately, is a summation of why ORC is no longer the tribe for me.
I appear to have become the latest controversy on UK1, unsurprisingly, due to my jumping ship from ORC to W1N.
I'll be the first person to jump up and say that ORC was a great tribe (yeah, I've seen what my new tribe mates are writing, and I disagree... just because I switch tribes doesn't mean I'm going to change my mind on what I believe). I strongly believe that we really had a chance to be there at the end and make UK1 sit up and take notice. We were the first tribe who didn't simply crack and fold when W1N sent out their tribewide calling for members to apply for spots in their tribe as they were aiming for us next. We fought that fight and we fought it well - we were not defeated. ORC was a tribe I was proud to be a member of, regardless of what people said about it.
For a while though, I'd been left wondering what went wrong. It used to be that we worked together and talked all the time - I'm sure there must be some around who still remember the good times. Maybe I had a slightly different view of that than some other members, as I got on with the tribe leadership and was even one of them for a while. But then, slowly that slowed to a trickle. People stopped talking. People stopped participating. People were more inclined to hold their nukes even after promising to send them as part of a campaign. Things became secretive.
The problems with secrets, is that they - as the title of this says - breed suspicion. I was first suspicous when C-Rex encouraged me to get Rommelz to sit me when I was looking for a sitter - he wasn't in our tribe, for starters. And I don't believe we were even officially allied again at that point. The original player for Rommelz had, to the best of my knowledge at that point, disappeared. I asked who was playing the account and was told there was a new player but I didn't need to know who it was. I don't know about everyone else, but I'd prefer to know who is looking after my account. I asked why it was such a big secret - didn't she trust me? Weren't we friends? Hadn't I been in the tribe for well over a year and proven myself a loyal member? Why did it need to be a secret? The only reason I could think of was that there was cheating going on. Otherwise, what could possibly be the problem? I turned down the offer.
A niggling suspicion started at that point, but I pushed it down. Rexxie was my friend and my duke. There had to be a better explanation.
There were other things that had started to irritate me as well. Support pulled hours before attacks were landing with no notice of intent, so there was no chance to arrange for other support in there whether it be my own or that of others. Support with others that had been supposedly short term that, despite mail and skype requests about whether it could be pulled back to be sent elsewhere where it was needed, took over a week to be properly replied about. It seemed courtesy was going one way.
Some players seemed to get a lot more support than others, whether it be by troops or by words. If you spoke up and made a valid point and it countered something one of them had said, you would get jumped on. No one would explain why they thought you were wrong. They'd just say you were wrong, and the only reason you might think in such a way was because you hated another player within the tribe or some other similarly ludicrous non-reason.
There are lots of little stories about things like that. Internals right beside me given to others - for reasons that were annoying but seemed to make some sense until I had one of them have my sit for a short while and all of a sudden they were taking a lot of internals for my account. And not necessarily where I'd have wanted to take them. Lots of little stories and I've heard them from lots of ORCs.
And then I had separate accounts from other people confirm what I suspected about C-Rex and Rommelz - that both were being played by the same person. I was so disappointed. To see her writing in the skype about hating people who played multiple accounts or were spies - Rommelz was in LRAG - when I had separate accounts telling me that that was exactly what she herself was doing... the hypocracy stung. And that it was someone I had looked up to, as the Duke of my tribe, and as a friend, just made it worse.
Rommelz is not the last account to go through this metamorphasis to a new, secret player. Make of that what you will.
More stories continued to back up this new viewpoint of the tribe leadership, but again it was C-Rex who was most often the one pointed out as the culprit. Not the only one, but the main one. A lot of my friends had left, and more were leaving. Some left with good reason, but would not have left the way they did if it hadn't been for the way they'd been treated - both in game and outside. A lot of other people talked about leaving. Whether they all have or not, I can't say.
There was the password scandal, which led to three accounts being banned. I was only aware of two of these until yesterday. There are stories I could tell about this situation - but there are people who could be hurt by my doing so. And so those will remain with me and those who shared them. The official line is that they were unsolicited. The actual fact is they were very much solicited - and I'd go do far as to assume that any that they received unsolicited were only unsolicted because they were volunteered before they could be asked for, but usually this happened outside of the game to avoid being caught.
My options were thus:
Stay - impossible.
LRAG - I didn't know anyone in LRAG at the time, and my main knowledge of them was how ORC was screwed over in the past by their turning their back on our alliance. I've since heard a very interesting tale that paints that situation in a different light and if even a little of it is true points the blame squarely elsewhere - I'm going to assume I was told on trust and not share it here. It's a story for others to tell if they are so inclined. At the time however, I didn't trust them, and so they were also not an option. Plus Midgey is in there
Go on my own - I seriously considered this.
W1N - I'd had interest from W1N for a while. I knew Buchanan from his time in ORC, and while I'd felt hurt and betrayed when he left the tribe for W1N, we'd worked past that to become friends again. I had enouragement from other friends from ORC to take this path as well. So I did.
Of course, then things get complicated, as they always do. The Butchery formed. I'd already agreed to go to W1N by this point, so it was never an option. I think I'd have liked it though. C-Rex announced she was leaving a few days ago.
Unfortunately, that also was too late.
I've had quite a few accusations in the past day since I switched.
I've been told that I'm a traitor, a betrayer, a cheat, a liar, a hypocrit. I've been told I'm disloyal and that it's people like me who ruin the game. I've had accusations that the stats prove that I did not attack and defend enough and so I've always been a spy (seriously? What are you on, and can I have some... sounds like amazing stuff). Oh, and apparently I hacked and deleted an account I've only ever sat once. I hadn't even known there was a problem with it until they told me - after it went barb and I asked what happened! I've also had some messages indicating that people understand why I did what I did, and those I appreciate.
I understand that people are hurt and betrayed - I felt like that when Goats, Terminator and Buchanan left for W1N, so I really do understand. The point is, I was put in an impossible situation. How could I stay? To stay was to condone what was being done. To speak up was to be shouted down with a strong chance of being kicked and/or internalled. I have done my best to help others in the tribe - even up to the last moment.
I was a loyal member of ORC for a year and a half - how many others of you who level the accusations can claim as such? This was not something I did lightly. It wasn't easy, and I expect it will remain as such - particularly with the amount of incoming I have now! Amazing how they can't find a nuke to help you attack someone in an operation, but the second you switch sides they're all levelled at you!
So many situations could have been sorted out if the council had just talked to - not at, but to - the tribe. Been honest with the tribe. It was never really necessary for me to even be a spy during the time I was preparing my account for the switch over - not only were there already enough in there (I presume others who had problems with the tribe for reasons of their own) but ORC even managed to announce it's intentions loud and clear with the past few operations. I did not share everything I knew - I might have been done with ORC, but didn't mean I was going to be crass about about this all. I was not doing this to screw people over who had done nothing or knew nothing about the situation.
There's no need to have a spy if you give the game away yourself by bad planning and execution. But I can't see that being a problem much longer. ORC is merging into LRAG. Those who don't make the cut - and there are limited places - best of luck. Those who do, I hope that the leadership improves and learns how to communicate and trust again.
Secrecy breeds suspicion and paranoia. And that, unfortunately, is a summation of why ORC is no longer the tribe for me.
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