
Now over the last few days there seem to be some changes taking places on .uk The players actualy playing for SLAP! seem to have some morals and respect (you know who you are cammy and whitty) and the mouths seem to of relegated themselves to talk rather than play since the great Mattyflan is away for a bit. I am starting to look at SLAP! slightly differently. I have seen handshakes offered to the people who have beaten them, some good games and dare a say it a good laugh and sportsmanship seen between all.

I am actually starting to feel sorry for the few in SLAP! that are trying to play for fun but getting their names tarnished by the mouths of others. I can understand Matt being mouthy on the forums to boost activity, i think thats a novel idea personally and it worked.

Since making friends with the players in SLAP! to some degree i have been in many chats etc. and am still stunned by the ignorance of just a couple of players. I don't need to mention any names, i'm sure everyone who reads these knows the super hard tough man that wants to fight everyone though still feels he needs to lift weights to be "hard" and am personally unsure as to what is trying to be achieved. Do we have a tribe thats going to stand the test of time without their leader? or one that is doomed to fall apart before his return?

I think its going to go one of two ways. The "mouths" will drop TW and realize pretending to be hard doesn't get you anywhere in the world and actually grow up, leaving the decent players to crack on until Matts return. Or these people that are shouting swearing ranting and raving yet not playing are going to spoil the game for their tribe mates leaving no account worth playing in the name of SLAP!.

Lionheart (with all his deffers and people to use BOOOOOOORING, if only i had a quid every time someone said that) is going to make a show this season, that is a known fact. Having half of SLAP! asking for assistance and the other that isnt playing talking the talk it doesn't take much working out.

I'd be very interested in anyone else's opinions on SLAP! for the near future, and as always cant wait for the great barrage of excuses and hard talk to come from a couple.
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well sed mate need more friendly players :D

And hope you join tomorows round it should be a good one :)
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Names? :X

No point naming as it would just cause trouble. Bottom line is, SLAP! is not half, a quarter, or even a tenth of what it once was. Matt knew he was leaving his tribe is seriously bad hands, as he had to promote 3 leaders. As far as I am aware there are currently only 5 members in SLAP! (although i only know 5 so probably wrong).


No point naming as it would just cause trouble. Bottom line is, SLAP! is not half, a quarter, or even a tenth of what it once was. Matt knew he was leaving his tribe is seriously bad hands, as he had to promote 3 leaders. As far as I am aware there are currently only 5 members in SLAP! (although i only know 5 so probably wrong).

There is plenty above 5, 3 were promoted because 3's better then one. He was capable of running his own tribe, as he's done it for so long. We however, haven't had as much experience, so instead of having just 1, and if he becomesi nactive etc, there are still other players to help redeem that spot.


I see what you're saying trinity. I haven't seen you in many rounds recently, have you been busy?