Support [UK13 question]


I am wondering when you can send support to anyone in this world? This is because currently you can't even send to barbarians (only tried to see if I could, I'm not a ratty spiker do not worry :icon_wink:).
It's only a general question I have no need to actually send any, it just seems to be a new thing in TW since I last played.


Yeah, to me that seems stupid..

So if I want to noble someone and instantly protect the village, I wont be able to, as you cannot send support to another village that does not belong to your own tribe.

So basically, if someone is nobling you or attempting to noble you, send in a couple of nukes after the player takes your village (to land within seconds) and then immediately after that send in 1 or 2 nobles, followed by support (as you'll be able to send support earlier to your own village), job done village back.

I feel there is going to be a lot of barb bashing on this world.


To support the village you are attacking the best way would be to send support with the last noble
Time your last noble from a defence village so that it takes the village and the troops stay behind it's awkward but the only way


So maximum support in a new village for some hours is one village's worth. A couple nukes and a noble and it's re-taken, no worries about it getting properly stacked and you've got a big window to send the response in.

It's a bit different, which I suppose is what they're after - a new tactical dimension.