TFF Will Not Stand for you upsetting Ed


Ok enough is enough and we in TFF say NO MORE LEAVING NOBLES IN YOUR VILLAS please or we will be forced to put a ticket in and highlight your attempts to make Ed quit through lack of packet rage.

We have recently noticed a most disturbing trend in our attacks reports and wondered what devilment and fiendish mind had stumbled across such a low way to force Ed to turn away from his screen in dismay.

Aghast (some in TFF are still upset) we saw a trend here of how certain shroud wearers and their minions knows as REV (henceforth to be termed the "lesser of the Ed upsetters" as our source said they merely lifted this technique from the shared forum have WILLFULLY and with MALICE AFORETHOUGHT (sorry for caps but am really really quite shocked by this whole matter so much so that considered to mirth quit) have worked out that by leaving nobles in your villa that is under attack it makes the luck go against the attacker!


Now we have of course researched this very carefully indeed before bringing it to these forums to wash your dirty linen (with Lenor) in public


Now here is our proof.

TFF nuke hitting a villa with no Ed upsetting technique used


now (sobs) with your noble def strat luck adjuster to force Ed to quit plan


still not convinced! Pah explain this then!


Now we give you fair warning to stop this now before we are forced to hand our files to those in authority but consider the effect that upsetting Ed has on him by proving that you have packets to waste you are making him feel belittled and not the No 1 Big Fromage of UK3

We look forward to your reply on this matter and your apologies to the TW community for using such techniques to upset our No 1 player


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We Fanatiks are currently in discussion with our TW Union Legal Representative to see if such underhand and malicious tactics warrant a claim for mental distress, not to mention compensation for loss of axes and village rebuilding.


sorry for double post.

Though it seems DEATH has stopped their annoying cheating attempts!


thanks for this!



yes Stefan they have seen the light on this!

Would also like to point out that this thread was very much in jest and not real as some Shroud Wearers seemed to think :icon_eek:

However if you do wish to keep nobles in villas you are trying to defend then then please do so as would hate to spoil your fun!


how can you cheat on tw?

you cant can you?

if so then YOU must also know how to do it? so you must also be using it?

if you look at the luck aswell on the attacks that might show why you have lost your troops on the attacks there is no cheating going on?

luck of the attack had done that not cheating!!!!

so anyway how did they cheat? you must know how to do the cheat if you know there cheating?


Ok seems our friendly warning has fallen on death ears (see what I did there huh!) and the shroud wearers are continuing to use the Noble Def Strategy in a bid to save their villas from our spear nukes


However these desperate tactics are not working

Side 1:
Tribes: TFF
Side 2:
Tribes: Rev, A.F.A, DEATH

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 78
Side 2: 3
Difference: 75


over past month

Side 1:
Tribes: TFF
Side 2:
Tribes: Rev, A.F.A, DEATH

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 225
Side 2: 35
Difference: 190


though it must be said that between them AFA, REV and the Shroud Wearers have nobled more villas than TFF when barbs chucked in and no this is not a cheap dig at 500 point barb munching as think a lot will be your deleted accs.

Ok now finally for the last time this whole thread is a bit of fun and IS NOT REAL! However, in the interests of science please continue to leave nobles in your villas that you are defending as apart from ED (who cannot bear to watch) the rest of us are enjoying it immensely.


I'm sure I've seen TFF use the same technique.

I must hunt through some old reports........rustle, rustle, rustle.............


not with that cat lurking in your profile pic :icon_biggrin:


I took a village off you guys this morning your cheatings not working ;)