pansy pants, im not tied with W1N, but infact i was leaving the game, cos basically im pants at the game, but when i heard that W1N and T4H were kicking off i though a good time to let some of my nukes off at you guys n gals.....:icon_twisted:
but BrianL asked if i was with W1N, and i said the account was, cos it is i dont like T4H, you and my ex Tribe (LRAG) as TR did before, dont stand a chance... out played and out classed you and T4 are just a poor mans copy of W1N, however im not saying that T4H are rubbish, im just saying your doing too little toooooo late..... and against over whelming odds your just delaying the inevitable
but with my ickle one man tribe, im sending and rebuilding nukes all the time not really causing issues for you, but fun none the less......
oh and just one last thing do you honestly think W1N need me to help with you????:icon_confused:
:icon_idea: You want a co?, I want to kick some T4H arse as they seem to think that they are better than they really are :lol:
The pair of us could rule the world, conquer T4H and then turn our attention to the big boys, W1N and show T4H the art of nuking & nobling instead of turtleing :lol: