have moved all the Adellion spam to his own thread so please keep this thread for Top 20 discussions
You speak more waffle. Pushty does it for banter. If a player was unable to build his powerbase on Uk1, that means he's just rubbish at startup? He's a late-game player. The best players can do both. Anyone that can't get top-20 at startup isn't good at startup and is therefore not one of the best players.
then join me on put your money where your mouth is. i will also ask unjustified from w19 to join so he can see if you are that much better than he is.
as for your statement that you snipe with a full defence village when its single noble nukes..... please tell me how you get a full defence village made in a 2000 point village? if you can do that, then i will be amazed. 5 single noble nukes against a single players 2000 point village.....
I don't play net. since W30, because I dislike fake scripts. I only play on UK worlds. I have yet to decide whether I'm going to play UK12, though it is highly unlikely, and up to startup at most.
Why do you only have a 2k village? Surely, a player of your proposed calibre would have a 9k village in that time? Or perhaps you just have to accept you're not as good as the more established players here for the main reason that you started far too late on a non-morale world?
since W30 - who were you playing for there ? and your name
i was danchampion tgow - BH
I was Adellion there, I was duke of -O- which rose to rank 2, based in K57. We were defeated by TARDIS. I quit a while after joining TARDIS, at 1.7M points. I did not really consider myself a good player on that world either.
i was down and out at that point moving :icon_confused: they had to eat my account and when i got back i got onto danchampion i have some fond memories of that world and i got a lot of lessons
respect to you -O- had quite the rep from the reading i done
Any chance of an actual discussion on the top 20 tribes or is this going to be another Adellion thread?
1 W.A.R
2 evoLTR
3 Wolves
4 ~G.W~
5 -RB-
6 =KN=
7 =RF=
10 MOO!!
11 IWL
12 MaD
13 FFs
14 S~O
15 ~M~
16 +KN+
18 Y/S
19 atack
20 T4H
ooohhh ffs, you think you are good with 1 to 2 million points..... are you for real? you dont do .net....why are you chicken.
ohh wel, if you aint able to "man up" then dont worry
ooohhh ffs, you think you are good with 1 to 2 million points..... are you for real? you dont do .net....why are you chicken. .net is just scaled up, there are better players, there are worse players, the ratio of these two groups is very similar, but due to .net's accessible nature it's actually easier to progress until late-game.
PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS. JOIN AND GET OWNED, NO 300K HEAD START AND SOME MENTAL ISSUES.....EVEN STEVENS. What are you on about? Are you so butthurt that you are nothing on this world that you need to undermine players better than yourself? Grow up or leave, your input isn't wanted in your mind's compromised state.
ohh wel, if you aint able to "man up" then dont worry It's a game, you have serious issues.
Actually, I've held a larger account on, which was several million... just saying... :icon_rolleyes: and I'm sure the former Senior IG Moderator, Drew Waylander, can back me up on that statement that I was a right pain in the bum on W14 for his tribe (though his tribe eventually won that world)
erm, although I really don't want to volunteer to join the adellion appreciation society, I have to confirm he did have a large account in w14, I know I was with drew fighting under the name yorkiepeter where i attained something like rank 4.
several million? 2, 3,4 12,20, 40??? whats several. as for my name, i chose it because of players like you lot, i have played w19 12.5 million. w25 was about 25 million. many other accounts ranging from 3 to 10 million.
You can search "chortala" on, if it interests you (assuming you even know how to use TwStats). I care not for your late-game abilities, if you don't have the elonquence and logic to back it. Any stats? Any proof? I have people that can attest to me; can you?
pushty, trolling is part and parcel of tw. playing on a little server and thinking you are fantastic when you have a small account and a big headstart is one thing, to talk hot air from behind about how everyone else is a noob when they have PROVED in the big sea that they are not, and you have proved in a tiny pond that you might be is another. so for heavens sake man up, get past the fact you are scared to go out in the big bad .net and get found wanting.
If you don't like this server, get out of it. You can't call starting earlier a "headstart", its called starting earlier, and not being a noob about it. The UK server is tiny, yes. Your point? If you don't like it, leave. Many of the best players here have left .net with great successes in order to play more low-key in a more community based server with a night bonus that allows them to sleep.
Examples of noteworthy players to have played on UK who are some of the most famous net. players around include PP, Nauzhror, jamm. as well as famous leaders such as Bloodhood. Pervis likes to make regular forum visits here, and some of the moderators have already been dukes of tribes who have won their respective net. worlds (Drew Waylander, duke of TheFOE, victors).
So please do not talk rubbish about the UK not having players of talent. You are just rubbish in comparison to them.