Tribalwars Speed Principles


You asked about startup. It’s a race. You have to be fast or you’ll be left behind. You need to farm, and you need to farm quickly which immediately rules out minewhoring as a strategy. Do not minewhore. Get a paladin and get spears. If you want high mines, farm first.
Forget about points for a second and think about farming resources. After spears, you need a stable and you need LC. So upgrade your warehouse and rush stables. Now this is where it gets hard, to get the most resources you need to be farming the barbarian villages with your LC in small groups like you would in a normal world. Except in speed they will be returning faster than you can send them. That’s why you use farm assistant. It is a premium feature but at least it only costs 10 points for 7 days. Farming scripts are banned so you need it.
Some time after BP ends you think about 2 things

Can I defend myself

You need iron for LC which rules out swords for the moment, but you can certainly add to your spears and build scouts. Start scouting players in your area especially the big ones. Be aggressive but don’t over extend. Have a dodge button. Farm the barbs with farm assistant and take a risk to clear defence-whoring-minebuilders for greater reward. To ram the point home: don’t stop farming.
Train LC and axes then build your village. In that order. Your queues in stable and barracks should be constant before you upgrade your buildings. Also please don’t upgrade your barracks and stable if you’re not queuing tons of troops. It is a waste of time and a waste of resources. Like I said I’m not going to tell you exactly what you need but your army should consist a healthy mix of spears and axes, LC and rams and nobles.

Oh and get rams.
The next stage of startup begins around the time when people are on the verge of getting nobles and things are heating up. You are going to be scouted and people are going to attack you. To completely deal with any threatening enemy village you have to make them quit or noble them. Killing their troops is a temporary solution if they carry on playing because if you don’t noble them they will rebuild and will come after you later.
Sometimes a temporary solution is best, sometimes you need to noble. This is a matter of judgement which you can only get better at with practice.

You need to know how to attack and how to defend:

You need to be able to defend yourself against a variety of players. They are summed up as follows:
1. noobs – these are the easiest people to deal with because they don’t know what they’re doing. They will likely attack you with a mixture of every troop in the game. Most of the time dodging is sufficient. If they keep pestering with attacks, time your LC or axes to arrive 1 second after their attack returns to their village leaving them no time to dodge. Do not lose unnecessary troops on a noob.
1. mostly offence players - These players who have mostly axe /LC/rams don’t care about the defence of their village because they reason they will destroy any threats before they can be touched. This recklessness leads to 2 possibilities a and b.
a- random attacks hoping you won’t dodge. You will dodge. And as with the noobs – time your axes/LC to arrive within 1 second after their troops return. This is called “backtiming” - learn how to do it.
b- noble trains consisting of 4 or 5 consecutive attacks often in the same second and usually with the nuke at the front. You must dodge the first attack (the nuke) and return between the troops escorting the nobles. Then you backtime the nuke. This is called “sniping” or “splitting” – learn how to do it.
2. LC + deff players –These players have an army consisting of LC and spears/swords instead of spears/axes. backtiming without rams is less tasty here but still an option if you can easily destroy their defences. Defend their LC attacks with your spears. To defend against noble trains you snipe and backtime with axes/lc/rams. These players can be tough to deal with. Always noble them sooner rather than later.
3. Similar to you – Players with a similar setup to you are the best to team up with because you can combine your spears for a stronger defence and coordinate decent attacks. If you’re attacked by someone like this you can deal with them the same way you deal with 1 or 2. Use judgement. Practice.

You attack for a number of reasons. To eliminate threats as one of the defensive measures explained above, to make a farm or to capture. There are good ways to attack and bad ways. It is better to not attack than to attack badly and open yourself up to a counter attack. The following is some tips on how you should attack.
You always want to capture in a single blow which means you need at least 4 nobles. Preferably 5. The perfect attack is one where the defender has no opportunity to counter attack so you should send your nobles in the 4 or 5 noble attack train with as little time between each noble as possible. This makes it harder for your opponent to snipe.
Nobles are best escorted by infantry. Your main nuke should land within 1 second before your noble train. It is also advisable to spam a dozen “fake attacks” of 5 cats/50 axes around your noble train. This confuses people.

Catapults are the next best thing after nobles. If you don’t have nobles to conquer an enemy, you can always destroy their ability to noble you by catting their academy or smithy.
When you are nobling use catapults to target the enemy rally point. This tactic can sometimes save your skinny arse from backtimes and snipes. Use catapults in your attacks whenever you can.
Come up with other ideas for attacking and defending by yourself.

After startup you get to middle game
You survived the startup and won a few more villages. You’ve gained some security. Specialise your villages to defence or offence. The best combination of defensive units is spears and HC. Do not build swords. You need to grow your villages as quickly as you can. Also, whatever you do, don’t stop farming. Never stop farming. Send resources from your main plundering villages to the defence villages.
A mistake many players make after they noble their first, second, third and fourth villages is to suddenly shrivel up into a shell.
Do not be tempted into a false sense of security by building defensive villages exclusively. Think like this and you will lose the initiative. In tribalwars offence builds twice as fast as defence so by building only defence you’re giving your opponents an easier time. Your enemy can hack you to dust. For example: the enemy village attacks your defensive villages and you both lose all your troops. It’s not even, because he will rebuild his army quicker than you can and the next attack will be the end. The attacking player has the initiative. You survived the startup only to get battered later on.

Keep in mind at this time your main village will be the only one with a decent army. It is the most important village to protect. When you have a second offensive village with at least half a nuke use it to help you clear targets that you noble with your main. Be just as aggressive as you were when starting up.
If you’re growing well, this is when other players in the round start grouping together to try and stop you before you get too big. Employ the same tactics of defence as described before but this time on a larger scale. Against a tribe that is well coordinated you need your own tribe to fight with. Work well as a team with others. You need to learn how to do this on your own. What I will say is you need to be willing to sacrifice your troops if it helps the tribe.

Ultimately you will get better by playing regularly and learning from your mistakes and not making threads asking for build orders. I could give you the perfect build order given if I estimate your farming income from 26 points to nobles, but it would do you no good if you don't understand the principles. Understand the principles.
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