Isn't point 3 just a temporary lifting? It isn't a complete change in the settings as would be reinstalled after the 1st mega villa is nobled.
I say this only as have seen other worlds go off on a tangent when having a poll and it ends badly (prams and toys) so even if you are against Point 3 don't make this the basis of your vote and remind yourself is just until the 1st mega villa falls. If it is a game changer then am sure the big two's leaders can agree between themselves that they will make no changes to their tribes if they want to agree to Points 1 and 2. Just don't let it cloud everything or make the thread mislead folks.
Finally, there is no point in requesting other changes to world settings as isn't going to happen so debate the 3 points raised and make sure all are clear in their own minds before voting.
I say this only as have seen other worlds go off on a tangent when having a poll and it ends badly (prams and toys) so even if you are against Point 3 don't make this the basis of your vote and remind yourself is just until the 1st mega villa falls. If it is a game changer then am sure the big two's leaders can agree between themselves that they will make no changes to their tribes if they want to agree to Points 1 and 2. Just don't let it cloud everything or make the thread mislead folks.
Finally, there is no point in requesting other changes to world settings as isn't going to happen so debate the 3 points raised and make sure all are clear in their own minds before voting.