^^ yeh and maybe i could get interviewed!! My co took all the credit lololololol!!! jokes
Silentwarrior Co
Sorry KZ but there is a message for you to answer, for the interview.
But let me say on his behalf.
Firstly, tell me a bit about yourself outside the game of tribal wars?
1. Kz is studing to be a gynacologist. As he keeps getting up to things with the female players, and its all a mystry to his tribesmate. But boy O boy some of the message
Explain (briefly) your past tribal wars experience?
2. Ltd experiance at tw. As he is always studing.
What has been your most memorable world and why?
3. W10 Best moment that stands out for him, He found a co better than him. Wasnt too hard everyone is. Unfortunatly it was me. And everyone else is better than me. So we are pretty much done for.
What made you join UK12, do you intend on staying?
4. He joined w12 as i wasnt going to take all the credit for my failures. I blame him.
Do you like your tribe here, how did you find them and what made you join?
5. Kz likes no 1. Tribes mate and especially me. If i wasnt his co he would noble me. And before the end of this world, we would have the most internals when he does.
Finally, is there anything else you would like to add?
6. Yes he wishes he found a better co. And is looking for someone that can play TW.
Hope that helps.
(And the question is................ Will KZ kill silent for this? ):lol: